QUIZ: What Is Your Relationship With DAY6? (M.A.S.H)
Rejoice, My Days! Your favorite band-slash-dorks have just celebrated their fourth anniversary!
It’s been a wonderful four years with these boys and we can’t help but remember not only all the wonderful songs they’ve given us but also all the laughter they’ve provided. Their goofiness and chill make us want to be friends with them in real life, but sadly, the chances of that are pretty low. (The truth hurts, I know). But we can always use our imagination, and while we’re at it, why not imagine up some other possible relationship scenarios?
So, while we welcome in their fifth year in the industry, come and take the quiz below and see what your relationship with the boys of DAY6 are:
Note: Disregard the “17%” you see on the results.
What were your results like? Are all the “relationships” good, or did you accidentally friend-zone someone? Let us know in the comments below!
Belinda_C can’t believe DAY6 has that many years under their belt already! Keep going strong, boys! Celebrate DAY6 and SEVENTEEN with her on Twitter!