Kyung Hee University School Festival
Update (10/24): uploaded the Tiara video set.
[Notice!: Please check back often as I’m still uploading the videos to this event slowly…. very very slowly because of my internet connection right now! D:]
Kyung Hee University Global Campus in Suwon, Korea— also known as – the k-pop college. Your buddy bi/Rain was a student there, so was Son Dambi, members of 2pm, and Lee Hyori. I believe there were more, but that’s not the point of this article.
So how AWESOME is this so-called festival? Actually, what is this festival?
This is a once a year festival that happens right after finals for the college kids. It’s a school festival. IN FACT, ALL major Korean universities have a festival just like this one. Students gather in a place that looks like tiny mini version of the Hollywood Bowl (the yearly KPOP concert in Los Angeles) to watch their classmates perform AND major recording label artists perform.
Do I have you attention?
This year’s line up is FT Island, Tiara, Son Dambi, Hong Jin Young, and Kim Tae woo!
Do I have your FULL attention now?
Not yet? How bout if I tell you me and my lovely assistant for this event, Jo Jo (SHINee’s gf of course), got you EXCLUSIVE video footage and me, yours truly got you live photos from the VIP section on the concert?
It’s VERY exciting!
My friend who works at the university got us 2nd row seats at the VIP section. This is sort of a private event, actually, not a lot of people knew about it! Including the university students, the staff members, AND visitors, there were not even 2,000 people! If we are any closer we’ll be part of the show…. Ahh~ Actually, we were! Yours truly and her lovely assistant, JoJo, got on the big screen for a split second! Yes, prove that we were there and we’re not just pulling your leg this whole time! 🙂
Now that I have your attention, I would like to add that originally they were gonna have C.N. Blue and Jo Kwon from 2am in the line-up as well, but they couldn’t make it last min. Korea is a very last minute place, like the canceling of all of Beast fan signings on Sunday… (that will be a story for another time).
Unfortunately, we did not get footage for FT Island, but they performed their new single “Love Love Love” and an older single “ I Hope”. They marked the official opening for the event. Hongki was spectacular, his voice can pierce through air a mile away and cupid-arrowed right at your heart. Was that a bit overly dramatic? Maybe not enough, you really have to be there to experience the vibration.
Next up, the lovely M.C.’s who are students at the university introduces the next event! A chorus of students singing and they are spectacular! Could they be the next new fad? Could they be future celebrities? We don’t know!! So here at Soompi, these exclusive pictures could be worth millions later on! Right click and save yours today! 🙂
After the charming performance by the students— next up is Hong Jin Young!!!
She sang three songs total. “My Love” was the first song, and the rest we really didn’t know what they were called. It was a spectacular performance though. All I can say is that I worry about her background dancers, they all look like their booty shorts/skirt were about to fall off or something. I couldn’t stop staring.
Next up is Tiara!!!
The picture-perfect Tiara made their grade entrance wearing suit dresses and each with a huge paw! Guess what song they’re going to sing? “Bo Peep Bo Peep” of course! It was a cute performance with all that jazz and fire ball effects from the stage. It was really an overkill for “Bo Peep Bo Peep”. I expected cute rainbows and smiley sunshine, but instead I was FIRE-BALLED. Ti-ara is JUST THAT FIERCE. After this song, the next songs they performed were “I’m really Hurt” and then “Crazy Because of you”. During “I’m really Hurt” there were lasers shooting everywhere. I believe one hit me. I’m still seeing that green light—or is it because I’m jealous of their swagger so that I’m seeing green? 😀 (funny haha~)
Bo Peep Bo Peep
I’m Really Hurt
Crazy Because of You
Right after, the M.C.’s announced the one and only Sexy Chrisma—– Son Dambi!!!!! — an Alumni of the school!
She is so incredibly sexy and fierce! She opened with one of her biggest hits “Michyeosseo (Crazy)” and did the whole chair dance routine. Lasers again, of course. A lot of sexy dancing later, was follow by more sexy dancing performing “Saturday Night”.
I would like to point out this picture. It’s very macro-fantastic, so I took the liberty:
And of course, you know it, more sexy dancing again with “DB Rider” to close. It was a whole lot of sexy. Sexy Chrisma for sure.
This is the part where the M.C. sad-faced and tell the audience that Jo Kwon didn’t make it. Everybody “awwwwww”-ed, and then luckily they introduced Kim Tae Woo on the stage and saved the day!
The former member from the group G.O.D., Kim Tae Woo, wowed the crowd with his single “Love Rain”. What a beautiful song. I was really blown away. After that, he performed two other songs which marked basically the end of the festival along with an explosion of confetti and with fireworks that lit up the entire sky!
Only downside to this festival is the ride back! Three hours, three buses, 2 subways transfers, and a taxi later, I’m back home safe and sound. Wonderful. Wonderfully tired night to remember.
When I closed my eyes at night to sleep, I can still hear the sound of the fireworks and see the reflections on the lake below— all playing back in slow motion. Perhaps, somewhere out there, in a peaceful and quiet apartment in one of the busiest cities in the world, Seoul, Hongki is dreaming about the same thing too…