Yoo Ah In Takes His Shirt Off for "Fashion King" Every Episode!
Yoo Ah In is making female fans go crazy with a special kind of service for them. He is taking his shirt off for nearly every episode of “Fashion King!” Yoo Ah In plays the main character “Kang Young Gul” who lives with passion through a difficult life.
Here are the moments where Yoo Ah In has taken his shirt off. In the first episode he is shirtless when he is changing his clothes, in the bed scene, or also the sauna scene. In the second episode he loses the clothes that he briefly stole. In the third episode he is shown taking a bath. In the most recent one which is also shown in the main image shows Yoo Ah In doing pushups.
From fans the response he is getting is, “These are exposures that are meaningful,” “Yoo Ah In has taken off his shirt again,” “He is the exposure king,” and “I was surprised at his back muscles.”
During a press conference of “Fashion King” Yoo Ah In had stated, “In Fashion King there were a lot of scenes where I took my shirt off. Although I wasn’t satisfied with them they weren’t too bad, I am pretty skinny.”