BEAST’s Son Dongwoon Opens Up His Very Own Instagram Account
Joining the rest of his fellow group members on this popular social networking site, BEAST’s Dongwoon has finally joined Instagram with his very own account.
Ahead of BEAST’s fifth debut anniversary comeback, with less than a week left, it seems Dongwoon is treating fans by uploading videos of himself singing as another way of interacting with fans.
On October 13, Dongwoon shared his new Instagram account name (@realbeastdw) through his personal Twitter account, explaining, “I will use my Instagram to receive song requests and sing briefly for you—whenever I practice.”
Since creating the account, the BEAST member has uploaded five different videos, singing songs that were recommended by fans in the comments section.
Join the growing number of followers and stay updated on Dongwoon’s future posts here. You can also send him your own song requests and he might just sing it in his next video!