7 Reasons Why Summer Is The Best Season Ever (As Told By K-Dramas)

Despite the intense heat and the constant sweating, summer is a great time to let loose and have fun. Some of us might be waiting for fall to come around soon, but don’t forget to enjoy the sun while it lasts!

So before the season comes to an end, here are seven reasons why summer is actually one of the best seasons ever (brought to you by K-dramas):

1. Every time summer roles around, you get another chance at a K-drama-esque summer romance. *waggles eyebrows*

You are my destiny~

(Though results may vary.)

2. Constant hydration means better skin:

3. When this becomes a perfectly reasonable answer:

4. When these words no longer scare you:

At least for now.

5. Summer is also a magical time when wishes are granted:

Only 6 hours? Pfft. That’s weak.

6. And time becomes a blur:

Only in summer can you keep track of days by the comeback dates of K-pop groups. 

7. Diet? What diet?

All that water I’m drinking should counterbalance anything I eat, amirite?

And just when summer is starting to feel a wee bit too long…

School starts up again!

Enjoy these last delicious days of summer, Soompiers! 😉

mayme22’s favorite Bible verses at the moment are Psalm 8:3-4. 

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