VIXX LR Selects New Leader Through Unique Method

On September 7, VIXX’s unit group VIXX LR held a V Live broadcast backstage at “M!Countdown.”

Ravi shared, “Two years ago during VIXX LR’s ‘Beautiful Liar’ promotions, I won in a game to select the leader. However, I still turned the leader position to Leo.”

He jokingly added, “Leo is not carrying out the leader role well, so we decided to choose a new leader. Currently, what leader Leo has been doing is singing, being tired, and getting physically exhausted.”

Ahead of their new game, they mentioned that two years ago, Leo promised to give Ravi errands if he became leader, while Ravi said he would give the leader position to Leo if he won. For the new game, Leo said he would hit Ravi’s head if he wins, while Ravi said he would hit Leo’s head with a pot if he wins.

To select their new leader, they decided to play rock paper scissors, with the leader becoming whoever wins three rounds first. Leo immediately won three rounds, ending the game in an instant.Ravi commented, “Everything happened within five minutes. VIXX LR’s leader has been selected to still be Leo,” and concluded, “Please continue supporting us for our remaining promotions.”

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