Friends From Korean TV You Need When Going On Vacation
Traveling alone is lonely so a lot of people plan for trips with their friends. Some come back from these trips as best friends but some return not as friendly. This is largely due to differences in travel style. Here are some friends from Korean variety shows and dramas that you’ll definitely want to travel with!
The “Tour Guide” Planning Friend
You’ve always wanted to go to that country but there’s only a few things you want to do there and it’s kind of annoying to plan those few things out. Then the “tour guide” friend is just right for you! They’ll take care of all pre-travel plans thoroughly, especially aspects such as housing, daily plans, and you’ll be able to enjoy your refreshing vacation with no hassle at all.
The “Navigation” Friend
If you’re directionally challenged, then traveling internationally will be just that much more difficult when traveling, and getting lost is only a matter of time. With an internal compass that always seems to be on point as well as the bus lines already memorized, your “navigation” friend will charge ahead with a “just follow me!” attitude and navigate you with cheap and fast public transportation while you can quite literally just follow them and not have to worry about getting lost at all.
The “Multilingual” Friend
One of the most important aspects of traveling abroad is knowing the local language. If you start to sweat bullets when you are forced to talk to anyone in another language, your “multilingual” friend is like a savior and a reliable source throughout the course of your trip.
The “Magic Bag” Friend
Although you may be lugging around your heavy suitcase around, when you actually get to your destination, you realize that you overpacked and brought a lot of useless things while the things you really need are actually at home. Then you berate yourself because you’ll have to buy whatever it is you need again, when it’s just sitting at home in your desk drawer. This is when your “magic bag” friend will come in handy! The friend, whom prior to your trip you’ve already teased by asking if they’re moving to another country, has brought in their magic bag which is overflowing with everything you might ever need throughout the trip.
The “Treasurer” Friend
Another extremely crucial part of traveling is money. You may have budgeted out your entire trip prior, but when you actual get there and splurge here and there, you realize you’ve already spent your entire budget halfway throughout the trip! Your “treasurer” friend will help prevent this from happening by stepping in and keeping an eye on how much is spent while calculating precisely how much is spent every day and how you can cut your costs.
The “Photographer” Friend
Sometimes, even if you have the most stunning views as your backdrop, the selfie you wanted as your new profile picture just won’t turn out right. You want to also take great pictures to remember the trip by but however many times you try taking photos and in every angle possible, it just doesn’t turn out right. Your “photographer” friend will then step in, casually take a quick snap, and presto! The backdrop is gorgeous and you look like a model.
The “Positive” Friend
Sometimes when you’re traveling, you just get unlucky. Maybe you missed the last bus of the day, lost your wallet, or you get sensitive because you have a lot planned out for that day, and bad things just piled one on top of the other, making you want to explode. If this inevitably occurs, it can lead to a fight between you and your friends, which will leave negative vibes for the rest of your trip. This is when your “positive” friend comes into the picture, and encourages you, and points out the good parts during the bad. This friend can really change the mood and also help tense relationships and overall just better the trip.
Which type of friend do you need?
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