Han Hyeri Apologizes For Her Behavior On "MIXNINE"
Han Hyeri from “Produce 101” gave a heartfelt apology for her behavior on the latest episode of “MIXNINE.”
On November 16, she wrote on her personal Instagram, “Hello, this is Han Hyeri. ‘MIXNINE’ has uploaded the full video of our team performing at the audition! We practiced really hard everyday for over a month. I’m still lacking a lot, but I wanted to show a new image of myself and I’m glad I got the chance.
“I apologize for making people uncomfortable with the way I acted. I just wanted to show a bright side of myself, but I think I’m still lacking a lot. I will work even harder to show you my growth next time. Thank you for always supporting me! The weather has gotten cold lately, so please take care of your health.
“To all my friends on ‘MIXNINE,’ thanks for putting up with such a loud person like me everyday for a month. Especially to Bo Sun, thank you for helping me in your free time. I love all of you! Hwaiting!”
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