QUIZ: Which B.A.P Song Are You?
B.A.P’s comebacks never disappoint, and the six boys have surprised us with many amazing songs in the last five years. Have you ever wondered which one of their epic singles should be your personal theme song? It’s time to find out! Whether you’re a hardcore BABY or just a casual listener, you can take our quiz to discover which B.A.P song fits you the most.
Take the quiz to find the best absolute perfect song for you!
Which song did you get? Do you think your result is accurate? Let us know in the comments below!
When she’s not studying or working, fanniberger spends her time obsessing over K-pop groups, binge watching dramas and variety shows and drinking way too much bubble tea. She has a tendency to fall for underrated and under-appreciated groups and it’s her goal to let the world know just how amazing these bands are. Say hi to her on Twitter and Instagram!