5 Times We Were Inspired And 4 Times We Were Frustrated By

Before we get started, here is a visual representation of “Hwayugi” viewers after this week’s episodes:

Because while Episodes 13 and 14 gave us some incredibly uplifting moments, there were also some extremely frustrating points that left us vexed, and even downright exasperated. Which parts of this week’s episodes inspired and bothered us the most? Read on to find out!

Warning: spoilers for Episodes 13 and 14 below!

1. Inspired: P.K’s faith in Bu Ja

P.K’s (Lee Hong Ki) beloved zombie Bu Ja (Lee Se Young) may have gotten her body usurped by an evil priestess, but that hasn’t stopped him from being optimistic about the real Bu Ja’s return. The sweet pop star has continued to search for Bu Ja’s mother, and remains enthusiastically hopeful that he’ll eventually get past Asanyeo and through to Bu Ja.


And judging by how confused Asanyeo looks, we wouldn’t be surprised if he’s right!

 2. Frustrated: General Winter working with Asanyeo

Even the best undead enchantresses need an accomplice, and Asanyeo has found one in former good guy General Winter (Sung Hyuk). He doesn’t have much choice but to assist her after she threatens his sister’s soul, but we still wish there were a way around the sweet ice cream man having to help the priestess harm Sun Mi.

3. Inspired: Ma Wang’s self-sacrifice

Ma Wang (Cha Seung Won) has remained loyal to the woman he loves for centuries. And when he found a way to mitigate the 99 reincarnations of punishment she still has to endure, he jumped on the opportunity, willingly subjecting himself to excruciating pain and the possibility of death.

Equally inspiring is the loyalty that Ma Wang’s friends show him, taking on some of Ma Wang’s painful burden when he is unable to.

Plus, we can’t help but wonder if, since Ma Wang found a way around his beloved’s heavenly-ordained punishment, there’s some way that Oh Gong (Lee Seung Gi) and Sun Mi (Oh Yeon Seo) could also escape their own deadly fate….

4. Frustrated: The mysteries around the incense burner

Asanyeo plans to mix her blood with Sun Mi’s before leading the ritual for Ma Wang, in order to take over Sun Mi’s body and become Sam Jang. But when Oh Gong foils this plot, he assures Ma Wang that Sun Mi will be able to carry out the priestess’s role instead.

And then Sam Jang/Sun Mi just kind of… does it. With no other instruction besides to put her hand on Asanyeo’s ancient incense burner.

And while it’s good to see Sun Mi using her Sam Jang powers in a new and exciting way, it would also be nice to know more about exactly how this works. Because summoning the energy of stars to shoot down from the sky like bullets sounds like it would take a bit of practice; plus that’s a lot of evil energy being directed at Ma Wang by Sun Mi’s inexperienced hands.

But that’s not the only thing about this mysterious censer that was bothersome, because instead of safely cleaning Sam Jang’s blood off of it and hiding it away, our team of demons just leaves it lying around, still bloody, in Ma Wang’s closet. Which seems a tad irresponsible with an evil priestess on the loose. Couldn’t they at least have washed it off?


Instead they left it ripe for the taking, and General Winter wasted no time in stealing it for Asanyeo.

5. Inspired: Sun Mi’s and Oh Gong’s commitment

It’s been a long and bumpy road for Sun Mi and Oh Gong, and it’s admirable that after all their ups and downs they are still able to be vulnerable with each other and open up their hearts. Because yes, this week our couple officially became engaged!


And they also heated things up a bit at Sun Mi’s place…

6. Frustrated: The mood kill

But much to our dismay, Sun Mi instantly killed the vibe by dropping the least romantic line she could have.

To be fair, it’s not her fault she doesn’t know that what she heard wasn’t a Love Bell and actually signifies something far worse.

7. Inspired: Oh Gong’s determination to change fate

In any case, Oh Gong has decided that he couldn’t care less about Love or Death Bells, and inspires us with his determination to change the deadly course of his and Sun Mi’s fate… as well as with his resolve to save Sun Mi’s life over his own, if one of them really must die.

Please don’t let it come to that!

8. Frustrated: Sun Mi’s decision

After successfully mixing their blood and transporting both of their spirits to a separate realm, Asanyeo reveals to Sun Mi the truth about the Death Bell, and the inevitable outcome of their relationship: Oh Gong’s eventual death at Sun Mi’s hands.

Unless, that is, Sun Mi extracts herself from her fate and enters an eternal sleep in the priestess’s special world. So of course, she does this without hesitation.


In this creepy and rather uncomfortable looking coffin, obviously.

And while we understand her choice, it’s also incredibly frustrating because we have faith that Oh Gong will find a way for them to escape their deadly destiny. Don’t be so passive, Sun Mi! Fight your fate!

9. Inspired: Oh Gong’s wisdom

Lastly, here’s a little inspiration to tide us over while we anxiously await next week’s episodes. Because it’s not our fault we’re suffering; we blame “Hwayugi” for playing with our emotions!

Hey Soompiers, what did you think of this week’s “Hwayugi” episodes? Let us know in the comments!

Catch “Hwayugi” Episodes 13 and 14 on Rakuten Viki, or start watching below:


hgordon stays up way too late on weeknights marathoning K-dramas and trying to keep up with the latest K-pop releases.

Currently watching: “Master In The House” and “Hwayugi.”
Looking forward to: “Mr. Sunshine” and “Grand Prince.”
All-time favorite dramas: “Scarlet Heart: Goryeo,” “Goblin,” and “Hwayugi.”

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