9 Reasons Why Jessi Deserves More Love
There are only a handful of women in Korean hip hop as it is, and when it comes to getting the recognition they deserve, that number is even smaller. One of these criminally under-appreciated artists is Jessi, who, after moving to Korea from New Jersey at the age of 15, became one of the biggest names in Korean hip hop. But still, too many people are sleeping on her. Here are some reasons why you should stop the sleeping and start the loving for Jessi.
1. Her honesty

One of her most impressive features besides her visuals, voice, and obvious talent has got to be her personality. While other people – especially rappers – talk a lot about being “real,” Jessi doesn’t stick to just talking about it. When she doesn’t like something, she says it and tries to change it, and when she does like something, she says that too. Seems simple, right? But it actually takes quite some courage, and it might be scary to some.
2. The events of “Unpretty Rapstar”
Jessi participated in the first season of “Unpretty Rapstar” and even though she ended up as the first runner-up, she obviously turned out being very successful as a rapper anyway. Or as Jessi puts it: “They gave me second place, how am I still winning?” But that’s not all. On the show, Jessi proved to fellow contestants, jury, and viewers alike, that she is, in fact, keeping it real. While some of her competitors kept on criticizing each other and Jessi only in individual interviews (i.e. behind their backs), she took it to the group meetings and said whatever criticism she had to people’s faces. See what made Zico gawk (like in the GIF above) here.
3. How she talks about her cosmetic surgeries

While being honest is one thing, being completely open about the usually taboo issue of plastic surgery is another. Her honesty has seemingly no limits, captured perfectly in her appearance on “Happy Together.” On the show, she completely talked in an open and honest manner about her cosmetic surgeries and left everyone at the studio either frozen on the spot or gasping for air.
4. Her variety show appearances
Whenever Jessi appears on a variety show, viewers are in for some quality content. Not only does she keep shocking others with her honesty, but her hilarious sense of humor combined with it results in a mixture of shocked guests, twisted faces, and (not so) suppressed laughs. Take for example her appearance on “Ask Us Anything,” where she and Seo In Young kept (jokingly) roasting each other for pretty much the whole duration of the show.
5. Her Instagram
If you’ve ever seen Jessi’s Instagram, you know the drill. Her captions range from funny to relatable to really I-wanna-get-stuff-done motivational. Her pictures are beautiful and usually leave fans in awe and the haters probably envious. She also made pretty much all important announcements regarding her EP “Un2verse” via her channel. So if you wanna stay up to date on what Jessi is up to – go follow her on Instagram.
6. Her love for her Jebbies

Related to Instagram but definitely not limited to it, is Jessi’s love for her fans, the Jebbies. She reads through comments for pretty much every single post and replies and likes a lot of them. She also does a lot of live streams, where she talks to fans and replies to pretty much every question she sees in the chat – all of it just to keep in touch with her beloved Jebbies. And Jebbies, of course, also love her in return – and very much so.
7. Her visuals

We can’t talk about her Instagram without talking about Jessi’s visuals. And before someone tries to shade her for plastic surgery – see above: yes she did. She paid for it on her own. Thank you very much. That being said, Jessi looks goddamn amazing. Whether it’s short hair, long hair, full face makeup, minimal makeup, casual style, fancy style, any style – jeez, she’d probably still look stunning in a potato bag.
8. Her voice
Since she’s a rapper, this might be a very obvious item on this list, but we’re not only talking about her badass rapping voice. For this item we’re talking about her singing voice. She’s not only an incredibly skilled rapper, no, she can also sing. And not as in “oh she’s a decent singer,” but as in “this girl can SING!” She even competed on “King of Masked Singer.” Just listen to her songs “Don’t make me cry,” “Excessive Love,” or her version of Rihanna’s “Stay,” which she performed on “After School Club.”
9. Her music

We arrived at the most obvious item on this list: her music. We could probably write a book about this, but it all comes down to you listening to it. You should already know the all-time classic “SSENUNNI.” Her very first EP “Un2verse” from 2017 graced us with several amazing tracks, such as “Arrived,” “Spirit Animal,” and of course the title track, “Gucci.” In January this year, she released the track “RUN IT” together with Woo Won Jae and everyone’s favorite bad boy, Jay Park. Trust us, this song is definitely worth a listen.
As you might have noticed, we love Jessi and we really think you should, too. Are you already a Jebbie? Are you gonna give her a chance? Tell us in the comments!
daisygonzo is obsessed with female artists lately. Also she’s obviously a fan of Jessi. Follow her on Instagram to follow her on her journey to Seoul.