QUIZ: Which DAY6 Member Is Your BFF?
Ah DAY6, our favorite part-time musicians and full-time dorks. There’s no question about how much everyone loves the DAY6 members, so much so that you could even imagine being their friend in real life. Well if you’re wondering which of the DAY6 boys is suited to being your best friend, then you’ve found the right quiz! Waiting for you below is a tool of destiny that will tell you who your true DAY6 BFF is. Enjoy!
Who did you get? Are you happy with your result? Be sure to tell us in the comments!
jadicus35 is a ordinary college student by day, and a not-so-closet fangirl by night. She spends her time on Tumblr when she’s not (but really should be) studying and/or pretending to be a functional human being.