Song Hye Kyo Contributes To Commemorating Korean Independence Activist Ahn Chang Ho
Song Hye Kyo has once again donated to further awareness on the Korean independence movement.
On November 9, Professor Seo Kyung Duk shared on his personal Instagram, “Today, November 9, is the 140th anniversary of Dosan [Ahn Chang Ho’s pen name] Ahn Chang Ho’s birthday. This year will also be the 80th anniversary of his death. To honor his birthday, the ‘First Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Day’ event will be held in Los Angeles. The anniversary was jointly pushed forth by the Californian State Senate and House of Representatives. Its establishment was decided on last August, and the unanimous decision was a meaningful outcome.”
He continued, “It is quite unprecedented that the anniversary of a person not of U.S. nationality be honored. That is how highly they recognize his achievements. Along with actress Song Hye Kyo, we have donated 10,000 pamphlets in Korean and English to the Korean National Association in Los Angeles.”
Seo Kyung Duk explained, “In these pamphlets, there are various photos and accompanying explanations on the background and process of how the Korean National Association was founded, the publishing of the Shin Han Min Bo bulletin, the training of the independence army, the collection of independence funds, and more.”
The professor added, “The historic sites abroad related to the independence movement haven’t been preserved well. But I believe the best way to protect those historic sites abroad is to be more interested in them and frequently visit them. To the best of your ability, if anyone is planning a visit to Los Angeles soon, please visit here. For those who are unable to personally take a pamphlet, we are currently preparing a website and app which anyone can easily download and use.”
On working with the actress multiple times to spread awareness on the Korean independence movement, he remarked, “Since working with her for the pamphlets on the Provisional Government in China, it is now the 14th time that we have donated pamphlets regarding the independence movement. Song Hye Kyo, who is always looking for even a small part in protecting the correct version of our country’s history! It’s been a source of strength to always work with Song Hye Kyo, who’s like this.”
Seo Kyung Duk concluded by saying, “Next year is the 100th anniversary of the Samil independence movement and the Provisional Government. With such a meaningful year coming up, the two of us will continue to make meaningful events for historic independence movement sites all around the world.”
Song Hye Kyo is currently filming for her upcoming drama “Encounter,” which will air its first episode on November 28. Check out the teaser for the drama here!
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