Watch: GOT7 Grabs First Win For

On the December 14 episode of KBS2’s “Music Bank,” Red Velvet’s “RBB (Really Bad Boy)” and GOT7’s “Miracle” were candidates for first place. In the end, “Miracle” overtook “RBB (Really Bad Boy)” with 4,679 points, making it GOT7’s first music show win for their latest title track. Congratulations to GOT7!

This week’s episode featured performances from 14U, DAY6, EXO, JBJ95, NCT 127, The Boyz, Golden Child, NATURE, LABOUM, Lovelyz, Red Velvet, Ryu Sera, MAMAMOO, Ben, VOISPER, SPECTRUM, UP10TION, HEYGIRLS, Hyungdon & Daejun, and Hwang In Sun.

Catch the performances below!

HEYGIRLS – “Yoo Hoo Hoo”

Hwang In Sun – “Can You Hear My Song Now”

NATURE – “You’ll Be Mine”

VOISPER – “Goodbye to Goodbye”

SPECTRUM – “What Do I Do”

14U – “N.E.W.S”

JBJ95 – “HOME”

Ryu Sera – “Han River”

Ben – “180 Degree”

NCT 127 – “Simon Says”

UP10TION – “Blue Rose”

DAY6 – “Days Gone By”

Lovelyz – “Lost N Found”

LABOUM – “Turn It On”

MAMAMOO – “Wind Flower”

Hyungdon & Daejun – “Secret Love Song”

EXO – “Love Shot”

Red Velvet – “RBB (Really Bad Boy)”

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