B1A4's CNU Says A Sweet Goodbye To Fans Ahead Of Military Enlistment
Less than a day remains until B1A4’s CNU enlists in the military on January 22. CNU, the first B1A4 member to enlist, has expressed his wish to go quietly, without announcing the specific location or time for the enlistment. As such, the artist gave his final farewell to fans through a handwritten letter posted on his Instagram.
Here is the full letter:
Hello, this is CNU. Already a month has gone by in 2019. Is everyone going strong with their New Year’s resolutions and goals? It’s times like these when I feel like time truly flies. It seems like I just debuted days ago, but it’s already been 8 years, and I’m no longer in my early 20s, but at the doorstep to my 30s.
That time is flying must mean that there have been a lot of happy times, right? I sincerely thank BANA for being with me through all of my happy moments.
I believe that everyone will know why I’m writing this letter. I am enlisting in the military. I’m sorry to BANA, who must’ve been surprised at the sudden enlistment news… But look forward to my manly and dashing self when I return! I’m going to finish my military service healthy, and when I come back, [B1A4] is going to make a lot of happy moments for BANA!
Until then, I hope our BANA will stay healthy, no matter where you are. Eat well, dress warm so you don’t get a cold, don’t stay out too late, get along with your friends, and always stay positive. You have to promise you’ll do that. I’ll return as a cooler hyung. Goodbye!
#LetsMeetInSummerWhenWeLoveMorePassionately #B1A4 #CNU #Sandeul #Gongchang #BANA I’ll return in the summer when we love more passionately.
Top-Left Photo Credit: Xportsnews