Lee Seung Gi And Jasper Liu To Show Off Bromance + Visit Fans In Their Home Countries In New Variety Show
Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu will be appearing on a new travel variety program together!
On September 9, the two actors announced the exciting news on their Instagram accounts.
Along with a photo of them together, Lee Seung Gi wrote, “Check out what happens with our budding bromance in #Twogether on Netflix” in Korean, Chinese, and English.
Jasper Liu shared a black-and-white photo of the two of them hanging out. He also added captions in Chinese, Korean, and English. He wrote, “Do we look good together? Please look forward to the special bromance Seung Gi and I will create on Netflix!” along with hashtags, “Jasper Liu,” “Lee Seung Gi,” “Twogether,” and “Netflix.”
“Twogether” will bring together same-aged Korean multi-entertainer Lee Seung Gi and popular Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu as they travel to various countries to meet fans and overcome their language barrier to create a friendship. The program will share stories of how people became fans of their favorite stars and show these stars personally meeting their fans by visiting them in their home countries. Company Sangsang, the creators behind “Busted!” and “Running Man,” will produce this show.
“Twogether” premieres exclusively on Netflix.
Top Photo Credit: Xportsnews