Jung Joon Il's Reps Address Report Of Affair With Jung Eun Chae 10 Years Ago
A report today brought rumors about an affair between singer Jung Joon Il and actress Jung Eun Chae back to light, and Jung Joon Il’s agency has responded.
On April 17, WikiTree published a report that claims they acquired evidence that Jung Eun Chae and Jung Joon Il had an affair 10 years ago. The report quotes a source close to Jung Eun Chae as saying, “It’s true that the two of them dated at the time,” and the source is described as adding, “However, Jung Eun Chae was also a victim. She didn’t know that he was married when they were dating.”
The report claims that Jung Eun Chae came to Jung Joon Il’s concerts often and fans believed she was his girlfriend, but he was actually married at the time. It was revealed in 2012 that he had married someone he’d been dating for four years in 2010 and that they were planning to divorce.
Someone describing themselves as Jung Joon Il’s wife posted on his fan cafe in 2012 to say that Jung Joon Il’s affair was the reason for their divorce. She described that Jung Joon Il had cheated on her with another woman from late 2009 to mid-2010, however he promised it would not happen again and they got married. After he cheated again after their marriage, he requested a divorce. The content of this post was reported in the news at the time, and the post was deleted from the fan cafe.
Jung Joon Il and Jung Eun Chae both acted in the 2011 film “Play.”
In response to the April 17 report, a representative of Jung Joon Il stated to Sports DongA, “This was 10 years ago and we can’t verify it because it’s his private life.” They went on to say, “We’re suspicious about why this issue from the past has suddenly been brought up again, but as it’s his private life it would be difficult to verify it.”
Jung Joon Il’s representatives also told StarNews, “Jung Joon Il never hid the fact that he was married from Jung Eun Chae.”
This report came out ahead of the premiere of Jung Eun Chae’s new drama “The King: Eternal Monarch” on April 17. StarNews states that her agency has not responded to their attempts to contact them for a response.