Exclusive: ASTRO Answers Your Questions About

ASTRO has returned with their seventh mini album “GATEWAY” and an interview with Soompi!

The album’s name “GATEWAY” refers to ASTRO moving through a gateway into a new world, and the title track “Knock” represents the group knocking on the door that will lead them into the new world. The lyrics for “Knock” are about traveling through time to find someone they’re unable meet in the present and taking them to a world where they can stay together forever.

We asked AROHA (ASTRO’s fans) to send in questions for the group via Instagram. Here are ASTRO’s answers to your questions!

Who has made the most sensational change through this album?

Asked by @seetheworldthrumaeyes

Rocky: I think all of the members did. Every member changed in a different way, including hair color changes.

Moonbin: MJ. He lost a lot of weight, and he’s become more visually good-looking.

JinJin: For this album, I can’t choose one person. I think all the members changed a lot!! It’s because everything from the choreography and the general atmosphere of the song is structured in a way that shows each member very well.

Cha Eun Woo: Cha Eun Woo!!! I dyed my hair! ^^

Sanha: I think it’s me (laughs). Often times, I had a hard time while recording for our albums, but the recording for this album went well.

MJ: Me, MJ! I lost a lot of weight.

What was the hardest part about preparing for this comeback?

Asked by @supermeloveyou

Rocky: I had a hard time stamina-wise because there is no time to rest in the choreography. So I think the choreography was the hardest.

Moonbin: The song is really high, and the choreography was a lot harder than I thought.

JinJin: It was difficult to bring out the vibe of the choreography, and I think everyone had a hard time because it was tiring. But I’m happy that great choreography was born.

Cha Eun Woo: The choreography is especially tiring this time, so performing the song once makes me sweat a ton and feel utterly exhausted!!

Sanha: I think the choreography was hard. It’s probably the hardest one out of all of the ones we have. Each execution of the performance is extremely tiring. I also think that our performance style has changed a lot, and I think our fans will like it.

MJ: I also choose the choreography. The choreography for this title track was the hardest.

What is your favorite track in this comeback album (besides the title track “Knock”)?

Asked by @lourieeeee

Rocky: “We Still.” First of all, the melody is very nice, and the explosive energy in the chorus makes my heart feel free.

Moonbin: “We Still.” It’s refreshing, and it touches the heart.

JinJin: I have to say “Lights On” because it’s a song I made. I created it while thinking about our fans who are waiting for us, so I hope they like it a lot.

Cha Eun Woo: “SOMEBODY LIKE.” The more you listen to it, the more exciting it is, and I had fun recording it too.

Sanha: “12 Hours.” The melody won’t get out of my head. The lyrics are really nice too, and it makes you feel drowsy if you listen to it before going to bed.

MJ: “We Still.” I saved it in my heart from the first moment I heard it.

Could you choose an ASTRO song that best represents your personality?

Asked by @fatimaa.castro

Rocky: The new title track “Knock.” I think the powerful and refreshing vibe fits well with my dance style.

Moonbin: “Every Minute.” It’s bright and hopeful.

JinJin: I think it would be “When You Call My Name” because it shows ASTRO’s refreshing and cheerful charms well.

Cha Eun Woo: “When You Call My Name.” I hope lots of people call my name (laughs).

Sanha: “Star.” I listen to it a lot, and the lyrics are very pretty. Every time I listen to it, I feel like the memories I shared with AROHA and the memories of playing with the members resurface.

MJ: “SOMEBODY LIKE.” The refreshing and cool vibe is just like me!!

What was ASTRO’s favorite part of the album-making and releasing process?

Asked by @malejandra_fc

Rocky: The music video this time took the longest time it ever took for us to film a music video, so the members purposefully lightened the mood to try to cheer each other up.

Moonbin: It was when we had the jacket photoshoot by the sea, and the seaside around sunset was a lot colder than I thought it would be. I had to smile, but I couldn’t because my face had frozen up (laughs).

JinJin: I think the only time I ever danced without any worry or burden was when I was a trainee or when I did street dance, but I felt at ease dancing the [“Knock”] choreography although it’s difficult.

Cha Eun Woo: Learning the choreography!! The choreo this time is especially hard, but there’s still a strange joy that comes from doing it.

Sanha: In every process of learning and practicing choreography, I had never felt my back ache before. This time, it hurt for the first time. It was cool.

MJ: The choreography lessons with the members were fun.

If you could choose one variety show to appear on as a group, what would that be?

Asked by @__cpsjn_

Rocky: “Ask Us Anything.” If we all appear on it together, I think each of our different charms would really shine.

Moonbin: “Ask Us Anything.” It’s a show I’ve always liked, so I’d really like to go on it.

JinJin: Variety shows are nice too, but I want to film a reality show where the members can have fun and be comfortable~

Cha Eun Woo: “Running Man”!!!

Sanha: I want to go on “Ask Us Anything.” If it’s ASTRO, I’m positive that we’ll do a good job of being entertaining. I’d also like to appear on “Running Man.” We have good stamina, so I think we’ll do a good job!

MJ: I would like for us to go on “Running Man” all together and battle with games!

What do you like about being a six-member group?

Asked by @aroha_2302

Rocky: Instead of something good about being a six-member group, everything’s nice about being ASTRO and being “us.”

Moonbin: I can eat a lot.

JinJin: It doesn’t feel like there’s an empty space, and it feels like we’ve always worked as a team, so it feels natural.

Cha Eun Woo: We’re all different in terms of aspects like characteristics, styles, and voices, so we make up for each other’s weaknesses.

Sanha: Rather than something good about being a six-member group, I just like our members. I’m not just saying this. I really think that meeting the other members was a blessing.

MJ: It’s easy to memorize our names.

What is your favorite form of communication with fans? (Twitter, Instagram, V Live, etc.)

Asked by user who requested to be anonymous

Rocky: Directly communicating with AROHA on stage is the most fun and exciting.

Moonbin: V Live. I think it’s best to show myself in motion.

JinJin: Instagram and Twitter because it feels like I’m sharing my daily life, and that’s comfortable and nice. ^^

Cha Eun Woo: I like all three (Twitter, Instagram, and V Live). ^^

Sanha: I usually greet fans through Twitter, but V Live broadcasts are more fun. But when I do it on a regular day, I don’t have makeup on so I get a bit worried sometimes (laughs).

MJ: I mostly prefer communicating through Twitter.

What does ASTRO like to eat/drink after an intense day of practice to recover energy?

Asked by @malejandra_fc

Rocky: Vitamin supplements and lots of water.

Moonbin: Oriental raisin water. We have a lot of it at our dorm.

JinJin: Energy bars and chocolate.

Cha Eun Woo: Normally ice cream, but water these days.

Sanha: Recently, I’ve been eating pork rinds often. I tried it after I saw Moonbin eating it alone, and it tasted so good that I bought it in bulk. I still grill a pack each time I get home after practice.

MJ: A cold glass of water.

How do you stay focused when you get frustrated or feel down?

Asked by @majikurumachan2

Rocky: I go to sleep or eat something delicious. I think I can focus better after I do that.

Moonbin: I imagine it in my head, exercise, or listen to music.

JinJin: I turn off the lights in the studio and listen to a song I made. Or I like to listen to music.

Cha Eun Woo: I get a massage or talk with someone to find a solution.

Sanha: I watch an animated show without thinking about anything. Then gradually, bad thoughts or things that bother me will disappear. That’s why I often watch animated shows.

MJ: I think happy thoughts (positive thoughts).

What do you usually do before you sleep and after you wake up?

Asked by @ikha.pz

Rocky: I take vitamin supplements before bed and after I wake up. I can clearly feel the difference between days I’ve taken them and days I haven’t.

Moonbin: Reading a webtoon (before bed) and stretching my limbs after waking up.

JinJin: Checking my phone (laughs)!! Because I do everything on my phone including sending and receiving music I’m working on.

Cha Eun Woo: Brushing my teeth, deciding what to wear the next day, and drinking a healthy juice.

Sanha: I always take deep breaths before going to bed. I inhale as much as I can and then slowly exhale through my mouth, and it makes me feel calmer.

MJ: Brush my teeth >< Chikachika (tooth brushing sounds)

What are some recent dramas or films that you enjoyed watching?

Asked by @uin_stagram

Rocky: I really enjoyed watching “Itaewon Class.”

Moonbin: Web drama “The Mermaid Prince”!! Please watch it a lot (laughs).

JinJin: Web drama “The Mermaid Prince” ..^^

Cha Eun Woo: “Hospital Playlist” and movies starring Brad Pitt.

Sanha: I often watch animated shows, so I haven’t seen any dramas or films recently.

MJ: “Kingdom.”

What kinds of videos do you watch the most on YouTube?

Asked by user who requested to be anonymous

Rocky: I’d say singing or dancing videos. I sometimes watch variety show clips too.

Moonbin: ASTRO’s performance videos or National Geographic.

JinJin: I watch a variety of things including ASTRO videos!!

Cha Eun Woo: Music show performance videos or clips of dramas or variety shows.

Sanha: I watch lots of videos that introduce tasty food. I also watch videos that introduce films.

MJ: Mukbang..(laughs)

Where would you spend your dream vacation?

Asked by @mnhyukkk

Rocky: I’d like a quiet place where there’s green grass and trees and no one there. If there is such a place, I’d definitely like to go.

Moonbin: The Uyuni Salt Flat in Bolivia.

JinJin: Anywhere with an emerald sea and a white sand beach would be nice.

Cha Eun Woo: Hawaii!

Sanha: I want to go to Hawaii. I went to Cebu with my brothers before, and I want to go to a vacation spot with a beach again, so Hawaii~

MJ: I want to enjoy a vacation spending time at the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah.

If you could travel in time, what situation or year would you travel to?

Asked by @peytzza_

Rocky: The situation in which I’m playing at home (in 2003). At the time, I didn’t know anything, and the whole family was together, so those were the days I was nothing but happy.

Moonbin: When I first became a trainee. I want to tell myself to practice harder and play harder.

JinJin: I want to try returning to my younger days in primary or middle school. I’m thinking that if I had practiced rapping and dancing from that age without playing, I would have been able to show you a lot more than I actually have until now.

Cha Eun Woo: 10 years in the future!! I’m very curious about what I’ll be doing and what kind of celebrity I would have become (laughs).

Sanha: I want to go the moment when more time has passed from now and I’m able to travel often with my whole family. I want to freely make memories with my family without worrying about anything!

MJ: March 5, 1994. The day I was born.

If your life was to be made as a movie who would you cast to play the protagonist?

Asked by @claravillalon

Rocky: JinJin!

Moonbin: Sanha! Sanha is perceptive, so I think he’ll depict me well.

JinJin: All of the members and AROHA. If I grow old and look back on the past, I think my brightest days would be the time I spent as a part of ASTRO. ^^

Cha Eun Woo: Yoon Sanha!!

Sanha: My friend. My close friend knows that I struggled during my trainee days. So I want them to experience it too (laughs)!

MJ: JinJin! He would pull off any role perfectly.

If you could switch brains with another member, who would it be and why?

Asked by @kayjuson

Rocky: MJ. I want to know what it is that he’s thinking that allows him to be such an energizer. I want to know the truth behind it.

Moonbin: Rocky. He’s the funniest member recently. I want to find out how he thinks of such things.

JinJin: MJ. I want to try living with a mind like his. It’s an amazing mindset, and sometimes I wonder what the world looks like if you live with a fun mindset (laughs).

Cha Eun Woo: Rocky. When he gets into something, he either keeps going until he gets to the end of it or doesn’t care about it at all. I’m not able to think in that way, so I want to be like that once.

Sanha: I want to switch with Cha Eun Woo. Since he’s smart, I think he’d be thinking of things I’m unable to think of.

MJ: JinJin. I want to try living a day slowly.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Asked by @_justbryyyll

Rocky: I think I’d still be singing, dancing, rapping, and composing songs.

Moonbin: I think I’d be doing my best living as a singer and actor.

JinJin: I think I’d be working as ASTRO and living a life as a composer as well (laughs).

Cha Eun Woo: I want to be an amazing person both internally and externally.

Sanha: I think my young appearance would mostly be gone by then, but my personality would be the same as it is now, full of aegyo (acting cute).

MJ: I think I’d be traveling in Dubai with the members.

Could you recommend AROHA a song that would make a bad day feel better?

Asked by @kkatleya

Rocky: ASTRO’s “By Your Side.” I want to tell AROHA that we’re always by their side.

Moonbin: ASTRO’s “Every Minute” because my wish is to make AROHA’s dreams come true.

JinJin: AROHA! You’ve waited long, right?? I made a song called “Lights On” for all of you! I hope AROHA likes it! And thank you for waiting for us. ^^

Cha Eun Woo: ASTRO’s “12 Hours.” If you listen to the song when you’re feeling worn out, you can relate to it and think, “I’ll cheer up too.” When our AROHA are having a hard time, I want to provide energy and comfort.

Sanha: Paul Kim’s “Wanna Love You.” At first listen, the melody might feel unfamiliar, but it’s addicting and it heals your heart.

MJ: ASTRO’s “ONE & ONLY.” Listening to it makes you happy.

What’s one thing you want to say to global AROHA?

Asked by @platoniclooks

Rocky: If you are happy that you’re AROHA, I’m even happier that I’m ASTRO. I love you~

Moonbin: Especially because you’ve waited so long, we’ll gift you the best album, so please look forward to it. And we’ll definitely go meet you.

JinJin: Lots of things are happening these days, but when the dark clouds clear, a bright sun will rise. I hope all of you will be careful with your health, and we’ll see you when the sun rises. I love you.

Cha Eun Woo: Thank you so much for sending us such great love from far away. When the chance arises, we will go see you!!!! I love u. Thank U (heart emoji).

Sanha: I’m happy to be able to make a positive impression with “Knock.” Not only is the performance more impressive, but the members and I worked really hard to prepare for the album, so please look forward to it and give it lots of love!!

MJ: No matter where we are, we are always together. Let’s trust and rely on each other, and we will become shining stars to protect you.

Thank you for sending in lots of interesting questions, AROHA!

Watch the music video for ASTRO’s fresh new title track “Knock” now:

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