Kim Nam Gil In Talks To Star In New Drama
Kim Nam Gil may soon be starring in a new drama!
On October 14, industry representatives reported that Kim Nam Gil has confirmed to play the lead in the Netflix series “Thief: Sound of the Sword” (literal translation).
Later on the same day, a representative of his agency shared, “Kim Nam Gil has been offered the lead role in the Netflix series ‘Thief: Sound of the Sword’ and is currently reviewing the offer.”
The action romance drama is set in 1920 where people throw a fierce punch of defiance to those who have chased them away from their homes in order to protect their land, family, and comrades. Through fictional characters, the history of defeat will be turned into a history of victory.
Kim Nam Gil was offered the role of Lee Yoon, a slave who never learned anything nor had the opportunity to. Although the class system was abolish and he became a free man, he still has the mindset of a slave. His former master suggested he become a soldier, so he does just that and ends up getting involved in a war.
Until now, there have been many projects set in the Japanese colonial period, but “Thief: Sound of the Sword” will take on a new challenge. Inspired by the Spaghetti Western technique, it will showcase a never-before-seen genre. If Kim Nam Gil accepts the offer, he will depict high-quality action skills as well as poignant romance.
Kim Nam Gil is already confirmed to star in “Those Who Read Hearts of Evil” (literal title) and “Island” (literal title).
“Thief: Sound of the Sword” will start filming next year.
Are you excited to potentially see Kim Nam Gil in this new drama?
In the meantime, watch him in “The Fiery Priest”: