Watch: TXT Returns To

Updated April 4 KST:

On April 3 (local time), TXT performed on “The Kelly Clarkson Show” with their latest title track “Deja Vu” from their new album “minisode 3: TOMORROW”!

Check out the performance below!

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TXT is appearing on “The Kelly Clarkson Show” this week!

On April 3 local time, the group will be returning to the popular U.S. talk show to give their premiere television performance of “Deja Vu,” the title track of their new mini album “minisode 3: TOMORROW.”

TXT last appeared on “The Kelly Clarkson Show” two years ago, when they performed their hit song “Good Boy Gone Bad” on the program in May 2022.

Are you excited for TXT’s return to “The Kelly Clarkson Show”? In the meantime, check out their music video for “Deja Vu” here!

You can also watch TXT in the documentary series “K-Pop Generation” on Viki below:

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