Song Hye Kyo’s Birthday Banner Project

What is this new banner, you ask? A group of Song Hye Kyo super-fans from SOOMPI wanted something to celebrate her position as the reigning Soompi Queen (as voted by our members) and got together to make a group donation to have this banner celebrating SHK during the month of her birthday. Check out their story…

by Isabella aka ~*kYo*~

It started out as a wishful thinking, after Song Hye Kyo was crowned Soompi Queen for the second year in a row, I thought how awesome it would be if we had our very own banner in Soompi to celebrate her victory. PM soomp I did, asking her how much a banner would cost (this was way before the soompi banner evolution), I was informed that the smaller banner would set us back $250 and $500 for the bigger one. I was confident that we would be able to raise enough money to afford even the smaller banner. So off I went to present my idea to the rest of the SHK-ers, and I wasn’t disappointed by their response. Everybody liked the idea and was willing to support our little project, which we dubbed Song Hye Kyo’s Birthday Banner Project (we figured that we’d just combine the two celebrations that way we’d get our money’s worth ^^).

We had our resident artists design the banners; we then started a poll thread to pick which one to use. Earning about 15% of the total number of votes, Timeless Beauty by mamaveve won the honor of being Song Hye Kyo’s birthday banner (Her Royal Highness by Kaye was a super-duper close second). Raising the money was a cinch, thanks to the dynamic Soutsada who volunteered to be our treasurer. We passed the $250-mark within the first view days of our fundraiser, and we still had about 2 months left so we decided to go for the bigger banner. Needless to say, our story had a happy ending, thanks to all the loyal SHK-ers who came together to honor our lovely Queen.

A big THANK YOU to the following generous people ^^
Winnie (wloi), Jay (small_jay 101), Soutsada, Kaye (nofear11877), Tammie (charles0702), Zhen Yin, Cat (thequondam), Rutie (ruthie08), Anh (al8199), Yasmin (zashibear), Inna (dbsg), Bouakham (Miss Bouakham), Jenny (Miss_J), Far (Far^away), Nancy (lilsh0rtnancy), Nei (anniepookie), Mike (shinhryu)

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