New Servers and Other News...

Greetings party peeps! We have our new servers running!!
If you haven’t noticed a dramatic improvement in performance yet, the change should reach you within the next 24 hours or so. Please bear with us as we tune & tweak the new servers to meet our growing needs!

Some updates for you…

Speaking of growing, as we’ve been seeing an increase in membership and traffic over the last several months, we now are able to meet our server needs from our ads, which means we no longer need to take donations! This is a big step for us, and we just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has supported us for many years, and we hope to be able to give back to you now with our new resources and renewed commitment to make SOOMPI as awesome as it can possibly be.

As you may or may not have known, SOOMPI has purely been a hobby of mine for the past 9+ years, but in the past year, I’ve brought several people on board to help me with development (soompi_coder) and the business side (julanrouge). This new SOOMPI.COM is a culmination of our collective efforts, as well as our great beta-testers and our resident server-guru dot1q.

What you see is only the beginning — there are many more features to come! However, we can use some more help on the development side, so I figure it couldn’t hurt to ask if there are any experienced Drupal developers out there in the SOOMPI-verse. If so, please contact me! We can use your help 🙂

For those who can’t wait to see the next installment of SOOMPI ROYALE, join the club! Let’s all hold our collective breath till artist/comic-genius mori makes our day with episode 2 (^_~)v. If you haven’t been keeping track, Episode 1 got over 70,000 views on youtube in less than 2 weeks!

That’s all for now — have a great week!


Here’s your reward for reading the whole thing:

the ceej's first halloween
the ceej’s first halloween

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