Happy New Year!!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1… can you believe it’s already 2008?? I don’t know how your 2007 was, but mine was life-changing! Of course I’m referring to my now 8.5 month baby boy, the Ceej. We also launched this shiny new site, and saw the beginning of the SOOMPI ROYALE REVOLUTION! Check out the new promo for our latest SOOMPI t-shirt in all its royale-y goodness, brought to you by the intrepid mori himself.
The end of the year also means it’s time for our annual SOOMPI GAYO AWARDS! Listen to our broadcast on your computer, hosted by the lovely Saharial and compiled by Edward, our resident K-Pop expert. Also check out our staff recommendations for the best songs and albums of 2007.
A couple of housekeeping notes: There seems to have been some confusion about whether or not we still take donations due to some out-of-date info, and the short answer is no {read here for more info}. But to all the people who have since sent in donations, thank you and don’t worry, you’ll still get your FOS (Friend of SOOMPI) status. Just give me a few days to play catch up ^^;
We’ll be having our 2nd drawing today for the SOOMPI shirts signed by international superstar se7en himself! Thanks for everyone who participated by inviting your friends to join SOOMPI.
**Finally, I want to give a huge thanks to all the forum admins, moderators, and mainsite staff for doing an awesome job in 2007! These people have all volunteered their time (for YEARS, in many cases) to make SOOMPI what it is today. So please thank your local moderator or staff member (and cut them some slack)! They sweat blood and tears for you!
Wishing you a happy and healthy new year — 2008 fighting!!
<3 soomp and the SOOMPI team