Album Review - JOO Single Album 'Young Girl'

JOO (주) – Young Girl

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1. Because Of A Man
2. Like Yesterday
3. Face
4. The Premiere
5. Because Of A Man (Instrumental)
6. Like Yesterday (Instrumental)

It’s no doubt JOO got a lot of spotlight in her first month of her debut mostly due to her sudden change in appearance. Sadly, this has caused her music to be pushed aside. With this said, it’s no surprise that this young girl definitely has some talent in her and this single shows how much potential she holds. Young Girl is JOO’s first release and contains mostly ballads, which are all top-notch in quality.

At first, Because Of A Man provides little that we haven’t already heard from the Korean music industry. However, it’s not time to pack up your things and move to another debuting singer in the industry. This song has its rewards and they’re mainly found in JOO’s vocals. That is where the song comes alive. JOO tends to have a much sweeter tone than most female artistes in kpop, but it doesn’t mean she lacks the power. Every note in the song is hit nicely and her voice gives off a lot of emotion. This goes well with the beautiful melody and the use of strings throughout further pushes her voice. Overall, a very strong debut track.

Besides the beautiful title track, the single also contains 3 others. Like Yesterday uses a jazzy and smoother sound than the title track. It’s not stellar, but it’s quite enjoyable once it’s given the chance. The melody is delightful and the use of string instruments is once again evident. Face returns to the standard pop ballad and showcases JOO’s vocal abilities, while remaining quite calm composition-wise. Lastly, The Premiere is a phenomenal track and probably the best in the album. At first, the song doesn’t really do much, but as it progresses, more power and emotion are added. By the end, the song turns into an emotional piece of work that, at times, sounds quite similar to songs by Lee Soo Young.

Overall, this is a very strong debut by this young artiste. She has great potential to become a top ballad singer (if that’s her goal). For those who have listened to her title track and thought her voice was only okay, I would recommend the other songs on this single because she has a few surprises in store. Each track is nicely done and the compositions are beautiful. The use of strings in every track is done exceptionally well as it gives off different feelings in each song. If you haven’t listened, you’re missing out.


5/5 – Even if you’re not a fan of this artist/group this album is a must buy.
4/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you must buy this album.
3/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you might want to add this one to your collection.
2/5 – I don’t think a fan would even buy this.
1/5 – You might as well just flush your money down the toilet.

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