Kang-in Acted in Self-Defense

After interviewing all suspects and witnesses, as well as analyzing footage from a CCTV video of the fight, the police at the Kangnam station where Super Junior member Kang-in was held for assault revealed their findings at a press conference.  Their consensus was that Kang-in only became involved in the fight as a matter of self-defense.

“Kang-in and the other man involved threw punches and kicked each other on the street in front of the bar. After learning about this, Kangin’s sunbae (senior) came and got involved in the fight, also throwing punches and kicking. All seven people involved have been sentenced with acts of violence and legal violations, but they are not slapped with a restraining order, and are thus not going to prison. As for Kang-in, we acknowledge the fact that Kang-in tried to keep himself away from the fight. He tried many times to ignore the one person that kept following him and using violence against him. We will count Kang-in’s acts of violence as self-defense.”

However, the matter is not entirely resolved, as Kang-in has still been charged with an act of violence. He must go to court and await a final decision on the matter. 

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