2PM Picked Best Artist Of The Year By Producers


Current variety producers from 3 major TV stations, KBS MBC SBS, picked 2PM as the best artist of the year.

From Dec 7th to 9th, Money-today Star news conducted surveys, “Best
artist of the year” “Best songs” “Best male, and female artist
(including group)” “Best rookie” “Best issue in K-Pop field” among
variety show’s producers, and summed up the result on Dec 10th. A total
of 22 producers participated in this survey.

Variety producers direct from music programs to variety programs,
where singers make frequent appearances. Thus, they have more interest
in K-Pop field and singers, and know more about the actual scene of
music program than anyone else.

Then, whom would they pick as best artist of year? It’s no one else
but 2PM. 2PM proudly grabbed first place in “Best artist of year’ with
9 votes. 2PM, who debuted last year, gained popularity this spring and
summer with “Again &Again” and “I hate you”; making another hit
with ‘Heartbeat’ again.

They also went through a hurtful situation when leader Jaebeom’s
previous words on my space became an issue, and left the team last
September. However, even after 2PM reformed themselves with 6 members,
they’ve shown their manly charms through ‘heart beat’; grabbing hearts
of teenagers to Nuna fans.

One PD, who voted for 2PM, said “2PM ruled the stage with their
strong performance. Based on this, their 3 songs made a hit in a row
this year. So, I picked 2PM as the best artist without any hesitation.”

2PM’s power even continued in ‘Best male artist’ part. Earning 17 votes, 2PM won ‘Best male artist’ by an overwhelming majority.

source: star.mt.co.kr

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