2009 Drama Editors’ Picks [Year In Review, Part 6]

See parts 1-5 of Dramabeans’ “2009 Year in Review” at http://www.dramabeans.com/

Here we are! The last of the year-end review series.

This post is something new, but I thought it would be an interesting
experiment. Although each of us reviewers has our personal favorites,
which we outlined in our personal reviews, it’s a different thing to
move past preference and try to be objective in a sort of Dramabeans
Awards — hence, these Editors’ Picks.

We voted in rounds, first nominating all potential candidates, then
narrowing them down to a small pool of finalists, then culling that to
one or two picks. As a result, not all of us got picks that we may have
personally felt were most fitting, but we all respected the process and
the opinions that led us to these selections.

I want to again give my thanks to the guest bloggers — Dahee Fanel, thunderbolt, Samsooki, and hjkomo
— for making this year’s review series particularly rich and enjoyable.
When I asked them to participate, I felt that they were knowledgeable
enough to have written entertaining, informative posts right on the
spot — but no, they wouldn’t be satisfied with anything less than
comprehensive preparation. I know that they all spent a tremendous part
of the past month and a half diving back into the dramas they missed
over the year in order to gain as wide a breadth of knowledge as they
could. Not for entertainment, but to make sure their evaluations were
as honest as they could be. When one person would rave about a
particular drama or performance, often another reviewer would take the
extra time to go back and revisit it to give it another chance, or to
ensure it got as fair an appraisal as possible.

This was not an easy, or quick job — hours of watching, analyzing,
and thinking may go into crafting a mere paragraph-long assessment.
This review series took incredible effort on everyone’s part. I’m
talking many dozens of hours, perhaps more than a hundred, and for very
little material return. Could we all have done it quickly and easily?
Absolutely. But each reviewer had a strong sense of integrity that
required that kind of immersion.

That’s dedication that goes FAR above and beyond the call of duty —
not that it’s duty, but rather the call of a favor. Your efforts are
not lost on me, so I thank you guys. I also found our back-and-forth
discussions eye-opening and exhilarating. I often learn a lot more from
dissent than from unanimous opinions, which is why I find these reviews
so enlightening.

On to the Editors’ Picks!

2009 Dramabeans Editors’ Picks



Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father

Samsooki: I feel like this drama is too important
to ignore, too secret to share, too painful to watch and too funny to
look away. Did I like it? No, not at all. It made me very uncomfortable
and self-conscious. Unlike some descriptions, this drama isn’t so much
of a black comedy as it is an indictment on the limited vision of 1950s
Korea. It is an indictment on war, specifically on the darkness created
by war that made it impossible to look beyond where the next stolen
chicken meal would come from. That this drama makes us laugh isn’t
because of the comedic aspects per se, so much as it is us laughing at
tragedy. Still, the writing is what makes this so good, that and the
superlative acting all around — Shim Eun Kyung is polished perfect and
the rest of the cast are seasoned professionals. A worthy
recommendation for those with the right perspective to watch and learn,
or, watch and remember.

Other finalists: City Hall, Story of a Man



Hwang Jung-min, Accidental Couple aka That Fool

Dahee Fanel: Hwang Jung Min is one of those rare
actors who are so good they can elevate the very productions they are a
part of. It was evident that Hwang Jung Min’s joie de vivre infected
everyone involved on the set of The Accidental Couple, and
turned to (a semblance of) gold what should have been a terrible,
terrible drama. The greatness of Hwang Jung Min’s performance lies in
not some explosion of power and drama, but in the quiet moments that
most people overlook, the subtle changes of expression, the incredible
sincerity and heart that permeated every little movement. Everything he
did in this drama was REAL. He’s a genius of sincerity.

Other finalists: Kim Kang-woo (Story of a Man), Lee Byung-heon (IRIS)



Go Hyun-jung, Queen Seon-deok

thunderbolt: One word to sum up Go Hyun-jung’s performance in Queen Seondeok?
Jaw-dropping. At turns seductive and scary, she just eats up the
screen, so commanding is her presence. If her Mishil is in a scene, you
see only her and no one else, because her gaze alone can cast a spell
on you. When she’s not in a scene, you immediately miss her because
everything feels duller somehow. Playing her most demanding role yet,
Go Hyun-jung’s acting is so exquisite she makes you root for her,
despite yourself. Evil has never been so bewitching.

Other finalists: Shim Eun-kyung (Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father)



Baek Yoon-shik, Hero

javabeans: He plays a character with a shady past,
but who at first glance looks like a calm old man who’s laughably
behind the times. His ex-gangster character is an amusing fish out of
water, but he doesn’t realize he’s funny, which is why he’s so funny.
Yet Baek Yoon-shik the Actor IS fully aware of how funny the character
is, and understands that he must not betray that he knows this secret
and thus break the comedic spell. And that’s only half the story — he
is also a man of deep pathos, whose movements carry weight even when
he’s seemingly doing very little at all. He is an actor who creates
truth in little details.

hjkomo: For instance, take a scene where his group
has been beaten up and harassed. He dons a leather outfit with gloves,
and the implication is that he’s off to go crack some heads, which he’s
fully capable of doing… but he merely talks to the man. As the man’s
former boss, he is intimidating, but he also has a calmness about him —
and that’s even more intimidating. Watching him onscreen is just

Other finalists: Choi Il-hwa (City Hall), Bae Soo-bin (Brilliant Legacy), Kim Seung-woo (IRIS)



Jung Yumi, Friend, Our Legend

Dahee Fanel: It’s funny how, with her rather small screen time in Friend, Our Legend,
Jung Yumi nevertheless managed to shine in every scene she was given,
bringing her fascinating character, Eun-ji, layers upon layers of
complexity. From the boy-crazy little princess to the wounded,
courageous young lady in love to the jaded, sharp and incredibly strong
woman standing on her own two feet, she essayed each transformation
with verve and charisma. Keep an eye out for her in future — she’s
bound to go places.


Kim Young-ok, Assorted Gems

thunderbolt: Assorted Gems boasts one of
the best-looking ensembles of the year, but it is one cantankerous
granny wearing frumpy clothes and no make-up who steals the show. Not
only is Kim Young-ok’s tongue sharp, the wheels in her head never stop
turning. It’s as if her brain is a storehouse of barbs which she tosses
out with the speed of a machine gun. Her words and body language will
crack you up repeatedly, and you will find yourself rewinding scenes
just to watch her again. So effortless is her acting and so perfect her
comic timing she really deserves more than a supporting role.

Other finalists: Kim So-yeon (IRIS)



Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father

thunderbolt: Ensemble acting is like an orchestra.
The best ones sell out their performances every time, the music
transporting us to a magical world. All the players play their hearts
out and every section in the orchestra shines. Such is the casting in Kyung Sook.
From Jung Bo-seok to Shim Eun-kyung, from Jo Hee-bong to Park Gun-tae,
whether lead or supporting, young or old, every actor feels exactly
right for the role and no one sticks out or fades away for the wrong
reasons. The acting is always assured and heartfelt; there is no
discordant note or misstep. Is there any doubt then that we get a
collective performance that’s unforgettable?

Other finalists: You’re Beautiful



Return of Iljimae, director Hwang In-roi

javabeans: Directing can be a difficult quality to
pinpoint — acting and writing are noticeable traits that elicit
immediate praise when done well, or criticism when done poorly.
Directing is more elusive, because so much of what makes a drama work
isn’t in one specific part but in the way the disparate elements are
woven together (hopefully) seamlessly to create ambiance, feeling,
emotion. Just as a puppetmaster is most effective when the strings
aren’t seen, a drama’s director wants to draw the viewer into this
world without betraying the construction of that world. Bad directing
can muck up a great script, but great directing can elevate it to
sublime proportions. In Return of Iljimae, the beauty of its
visuals is nothing compared to the beauty of the emotion it stirs with
its assured pacing and poignant storytelling. All this is the work of a
director who orchestrates everything with technical mastery but whose
true brilliance is in making everything feel so natural.

Other finalists: Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father; Friend Our Legend



Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father, scriptwriter Kim Hye-jung

Dahee Fanel: Brutally honest and naked in its
depiction of the horrors of war, yet also looking at it all through a
critical, razor-sharp lens of black humour, the script of Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father
was always deeply riveting. There have been scores of depictions in
film and television about the Korean War, but I wonder how many of them
handled it with so much intelligence, as well as such a good
understanding of family and human nature?

Other finalists: Story of a Man



You’re Beautiful

javabeans: Good comedy makes you laugh. Great
comedy takes a fresh approach to a familiar situation and surprises the
laugh out of you. Even when the Hong Sisters writing duo employ some
hackneyed situations, they have a gift for finding unexpected ways out
of them, making them not-quite-so-familiar after all. Characters are
quirky but react in ways that are true to themselves, adding a dash of
heart to the copious jokes, gags, parodies and satires. But not TOO
much heart, lest we linger too long in those “dak-sal”
moments — i.e., those saccharine, lovey-dovey beats that make you
cringe. The drama knows when not to take itself too seriously — which
is almost always — and just wants to whisk you away for a blissful,
escapist ride. You’re Beautiful is situational comedy at its bright, zesty best.


Assorted Gems

thunderbolt: Whether it is the two grandmas
competing to see who can impress a new tenant more, each disparaging
the other’s homemade kimchi, or one of the grandmas wondering why her
daughter-in-law had breast enhancement surgery when “it costs money, is
painful and can kill,” this drama will make you laugh till your sides
hurt. The humor isn’t laid on thick, one slapstick scene after another.
Rather it is the repartees, the thinly-veiled sarcasm, what-if
imaginary situations, and the little funny moments that make this one
of the best comedies of the year.

Other finalists: Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father



Story of a Man, aka The Slingshot

Samsooki: All great dramas revolve around the idea
of conflict, and more specifically, the concept that something (or
someone) extraordinary happens upon a person, and now that person has
to deal with that. Story of a Man fits this concept, as we
have an extraordinary person (the evil incarnate Chae Do Woo) happening
to an ordinary person (Shin). And Chae Do Woo might have messed with
the wrong person when he ran over Shin… Even as much as the story is
gripping, what makes this drama the most technically proficient k-drama
I’ve ever seen is that the way the story is told, layer by
layer. Characters are added at the right time, developed with great
pacing and deliberateness. Revelations are not dropped randomly, but in
a way that makes sense if you step back to see the big picture.

Not only does this take skill in writing and directing, but it
requires skill in watching too! How many k-dramas require skill in watching?
To sum up — story is gripping, the acting is brilliant. The writing and
directing are superlative. And, the more you pay attention, the more
you will get out of the drama. But don’t watch too close, Chae Do Woo
might notice and come after you…



Return of Iljimae

javabeans: This was a fairly slim category, but don’t let that tidbit detract from the quality of this pick. Return of Iljimae
is really a fusion historical series, and unlike most other
(conventional) sageuks, it doesn’t center around the life of a great
leader. It does weave in true historical context, although with its
origins in a manhwa, Return of Iljimae isn’t about recreating
real historical events so much as it uses them as touchstones around
which the story is built. This is a drama that never faltered, that
knew what it was the whole way through, and never betrayed itself (or

Other finalists: Queen Seon-deok



City Hall

Samsooki: Romance is a story about falling in love. And the best stories of love are ones that you can feel. City Hall’s
romance is about two adults sacrificing as much as they can, to be
together, but running into the limitations of their own principles.
Shin Mi Rae will not stop protecting the people she swore an oath to
defend, even if it means destroying her one shot at love, and Jo Gook
must do the impossible and find a way to save both Shin Mi Rae and her
principles, even if it means tearing Shin Mi Rae’s heart to shreds.
What makes this drama so special, even above what was just written, is
that neither Jo Gook nor Shin Mi Rae could have survived the ordeal at
the beginning of the drama. It is through their growth through the
series that they grow strong enough to overcome the biggest odds. And
guess what? You grow along with them.


Will It Snow for Christmas?

javabeans: This is old-fashioned romance played to
the melodramatic hilt. A great romance not only makes you root for the
couple to get together, it makes you feel the ups and downs with them
as the characters fumble through their mating dance. To make the
conflict credible but not tiresome, it’s got to make us desperately
want the two to find happiness, but also understand the obstacles that
lie in their way. Will It Snow For Christmas isn’t the most
original drama ever, but as a romance it makes the longing palpable
between Kang-jin and Ji-wan — aided in no small part by the smoldering
Go Soo. In also building up a complicated obstacle fraught with
emotions, our hearts tug along with them. (Caveat: This assessment only
stands if the ending does not betray us fans!)

Other finalists: You’re Beautiful



The Sons of Sol Pharmacy

Samsooki: By definition, a family drama is
something that you want to watch with your family. And generally
speaking, your family will include people older and younger than you.
That’s how wisdom is passed — from generation to generation, person to
person. And that’s how family bonds are created. Coincidentally, or
maybe not so coincidentally, that’s what Sons of Sol Pharmacy
is — a set of stories about family bonds being created by wisdom being
passed from family member to family member. Whether it is a happy event
or a sad one, every moment of this drama is an opportunity for you to
learn, or for you to teach. There is no greater praise for a family
drama, and no greater family drama in 2009 than this one.


Assorted Gems

thunderbolt: At the end of the day, family is what
matters. Not friends or neighbors or colleagues or even pets, although
all are important. The families in Assorted Gems may not
always behave like your average family (one sends its son away with a
“You’re on your own for a year; don’t contact us” and the other tosses
the parents out, luggage and all), but you know that when push comes to
shove, each member is there for the rest. Watching the Gung children
banter or the grandmas bicker, you feel like the two tenants in the
drama. They arrived as strangers but are now part of the family,
trading jokes and sharing stories, fighting over toilets and chasing
after food burglars. There is so much warmth it fairly envelops you.

hjkomo: A family drama should be exactly about that
— family relationships. And this one has the tremendous good fortune to
be well-written and well-acted. Writer, Im Sung Han, surprises us with
her avoidance of makjang histrionics and formulaic clichés. The
characters and relationships are real, and the talented ensemble cast
of both veterans and younger actors alike deliver heart-warming
performances. Assorted Gems is truly the family gem of 2009.



Return of Iljimae

javabeans: The seasoned kdrama viewer by now is
aware that a soundtrack, no matter how catchy in Episode 1, often wears
on the nerves (and the ears!) by the time the drama is midway through.
It’s no fault of the music, but inappropriate usage can be as grating
as if the music were truly bad. Not only is Return of Iljimae’s
background score gorgeous, it is judiciously applied — the drama is
lilting when it needs to be lilting, angry when it needs to be angry,
and quiet when it needs to be quiet. The instrumental tracks are as
lush and sweeping as the drama’s landscapes, and fit with the
narrative’s emotional ups and downs perfectly.

Other finalists: You’re Beautiful



Go Hyun-jung, Queen Seon-deok

Samsooki: I think the best villains are the ones
that you are able to grasp; they aren’t all-powerful and they aren’t
totally inscrutable. A villain is someone against whom you have a real
chance, a real hope of beating. Go Hyun-jung is the best villain of
2009 because she is closest person to the perfect villain as I have
ever seen — strong, dignified, amoral, intelligent, and deliciously and
even justifiably evil, while all the while, a flawed and beatable
target. Go Hyun Jung was the person you want to be your arch-enemy,
because while you know she will get her victories against you,
ultimately, you have a shot at beating her if you are clever and strong
enough. I know that many would say that Chae Do Woo is the perfect
villain of 2009, but honestly, I’m not sure Chae Do Woo is beatable.
And an unbeatable enemy isn’t a villain at all but a force of nature.


Kim Gab-soo, Partner and Hon

hjkomo: Kim Gab Soo is one of the rare few actors
who can make you want hide under the nearest blanket – with his smile.
Whether he’s creepily slurping up mangoes, channeling the devil
incarnate while a live snake slithers around his neck, or fulfilling
the adage – “Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Kim Gab Soo instills spine-chilling fear in all who are misfortunate enough to cross his path.

Other finalists: Kim Kang-woo (Story of a Man), Kim Mi-sook (Brilliant Legacy)



Lee Min-jung, Smile You

Dahee Fanel: She’s been on the outskirts of stardom
for a while now, quietly handing in strong performances, waiting for
her moment to shine. And this year, it’s finally happened, with her
star-making performance in the cultural phenomenon that was Boys Before Flowers, and now her first leading role in the popular weekend drama Smile, You.
Lee Min-jung is one of those rarest of actresses, someone with all the
makings of a star: A beautiful face, truckloads of talent, and bubbly
screen presence. Most actresses have just one or the other of those
things, but she has them all. This is one lady who deserves all of her


Lee Min-ho, Boys Before Flowers

javabeans: Lee Min-ho practically defines the term
“breakout” — he appeared out of nowhere, turned in a splendid
performance, and not only proved himself as a rising talent but damn
near carried the show. His was a difficult character — moody, bullying,
and at times violent — but on top of that, he already had a lot to live
up to, with the previous performances of Jerry Yan and Matsumoto Jun
still leaving their imprint upon fans’ minds and hearts. That he would
be scrutinized and compared was a given; one false step and this could
have spelled disaster. Instead of caving under the pressure, he dove
into the role and made it his own. Lee Min-ho fever swept the whole
nation and his newly acquired fans are eager to see if he can follow it
up with another winner.



Smile, You (Jung Kyung-ho & Lee Min-jung)

thunderbolt: Both have been newly disappointed in
love, but you can’t tell unless you watched this from the start. Seeing
them now, it’s as if they have always been together. The way she gazes
at him, you have no doubt she loves him completely. As for him, he has
unfinished business that he must tend to, but from now on she will
always come first. Theirs is the sweet flush of first love, looking and
smiling shyly at each other as they walk hand-in-hand. Yet it also
feels like an old couple’s relationship, where trust is unwavering, and
where there’s comfort in just being under the same roof without having
to talk or do the same things. When you see Jung Kyung-ho and Lee
Min-jung together, you feel an unmistakable sense of joy and

Other finalists: City Hall (Cha Seung-won & Kim Sun-ah),
You’re Beautiful (Jang Geun-seok & Park Shin-hye), Family Honor
(Park Shi-hoo & Yoon Jung-hee)



Assorted Gems (Kim Young-ok, Jung Hye-sung)

hjkomo: First, there was Felix Unger and Oscar
Madison. Then came John Gustafson and Max Goldman. Now, here comes the
Korean halmoni version in Gyul Myung Ja and Baek Jo. The fabulous duo,
Kim Young Ok (Gyul Myung Ja) and Jung Hye Sun (Baek Jo), are in-laws,
neighbors, nemeses, and even best friends. They trade barbs as
sharp-wittedly as their talented predecessors, engage in hilarious
physical brawls, dress-up in clothes befitting Cinderella’s
step-sisters, and shake their booties to Brown Eyed Girls’ Abracadabra.
Every scene they’re in is pure comedy at its side-splitting finest.

Other finalists: Accidental Couple (Hwang Jung-min & Baek Sung-hyun)



Kim Ji-seok, 2009 Hometown of Legends

thunderbolt: A vampire who’s a one-man freak show.
A vampire who bares his fangs and flashes his speckled talons, whether
a scene warrants that display or not. This vampire hisses like a snake,
roars like a lion, and prances about like a drunk chimpanzee. Hear how
Kim Ji-seok moans and you would think he’s having sex instead of
enjoying yet another bloody meal. A teardrop is studied with such
intensity his eyes are about to exit their sockets. His hunters pursue
him, not because he’s a vampire, but because he’s an annoying show-off.
Hands down the most hysterical acting of the year.

Other finalists: Gu Hye-sun (Boys Before Flowers)



Oh Man-seok, Everybody Cha Cha Cha

Dahee Fanel: Oh Man Seok is easily one of the most
talented young actors in Korea, which he’s proven again and again
through roles like the gentle monk who slowly goes berserk in Shin Don, to the prickly farmer in Vineyard Man, to the ever-suffering and deeply loyal eunuch in The King and I.
He deserves some of the best and meatiest roles, and yet instead, he’s
getting roles like…this. I don’t think anyone who watches or has seen Everybody Cha Cha Cha
thinks that it is even close to being a good drama, and nor do they
expect it to be, what with its daily drama trappings. But it’s
supremely frustrating to see Oh Man Seok’s talent be wasted in uttering
the same lines and recycling the same scenes over and over. He does the
best he can with the extremely little he’s given, but anyone who is a
fan will feel that he’s been cheated. Let’s hope he snags a meatier
role next time.


Lee Jung-jae, Triple

javabeans: As a result of cultivating a career mostly in movies (such as An Affair, Il Mare, Oh Brothers, Typhoon),
Lee Jung-jae possesses a charisma and gravitas that many television
actors lack. Blessed with a talent for infusing his characters with
sincerity, this is a man who knows the power of restraint — his
characters simmer with intensity below the surface, but don’t feel the
need to act OUT to get their point across. Granted, everyone in Triple
was underutilized — a hazard of its scattered plot — but the worst
travesty was seeing Lee Jung-jae relegated to the side and not given a
chance to do… much at all. But whenever he found an opening, he grabbed
it and made the most of the brief moment, bringing an emotional
groundedness to his Hwal character.

Other finalists: Uhm Ki-joon (Job Well Done)



Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father

Dahee Fanel: Every year some dramas will quietly
broadcast and then quietly fade away, never having really succeeded at
gaining public recognition. Some of these dramas are fiercely loved and
respected by a core group of loyal followers, making their existence
not quite so futile as it may at first seem. Yet it is undoubtedly true
that, for many of these fans, there is regret that they did not gain as
much popularity and notice as they may perhaps deserve. Kyung-sook, Kyung-sook’s Father
was one of the biggest examples of this sense of under recognition this
year, but I’m glad that, here at least, it gets its little moment to
shine. For some, this is a drama that never even existed. But for me,
it will remain in my memory for years to come, shining like a beacon of

Other finalists: Assorted Gems, Return of Iljimae, Story of a Man, Tamra the Island



Boys Before Flowers

javabeans: Never have I enjoyed a show that needed
so many qualifiers when explaining to others. It’s fun — but doesn’t
make sense. It’s well-acted — except for half the cast. It’s
good-hearted — except when people enjoy random acts of cruelty. It’s
super-fun and fast to watch — until it screeches to an angsty halt in
the middle. It has a catchy soundtrack — but omygod is that Almost Paradiiiiiiiise
for the thousandth time? This is a schizoid show of contradictions, and
no doubt it has an infectious draw… but it was so riddled with problems
that it feels like it didn’t deserve, or at least earn, its immense
success. It’s lucky for Boys Before Flowers that fans were
generous with its many flaws. I don’t mean that this drama has no
appeal, rather that the strength of the viewers’ response far outweighs
its quality, and that extreme unbalance makes this my pick for most

Other finalists: Queen Seon-deok, IRIS



Wife’s Temptation

Samsooki: “Worst” can mean many things. In the
drama-context, it can mean simply, the least interesting or the most
boring. Or it can mean the least watchable. For me, “worst” means the
most likely to be to your detriment to watch. Wife’s Temptation
might be addictive for those who are caught up in the revenge game, but
it will not add a single useful thing to your life. You will not learn
anything, you will not gain wisdom. All that will happen is that you
will have overstimulated the revenge seeking part of your brain for an
extended period of time. Still, if you have no use for your brain or
for improving yourself, then Wife’s Temptation isn’t a bad
way to kill a few weeks of your life. Perhaps the best analogy is that
watching this drama is like going on an extended alcoholic bender where
the only end result is that your brain and liver are damaged. In a
nation known for its high per capita consumption of scotch, it is small
wonder that Wife’s Temptation was a juggernaut ratings monster.

Other finalists: Again My Love, Heading to the Ground, My Fair Lady

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