Album Review: Princess Ja Myung Go OST

01 . 자명고 – 작.편곡 박연

02 . 나혼자서 (낙랑공주 테마) – 소녀시대 티파니

03 . 사랑이 죄인가요 (자명공주 테마) – 백지영

04 . 미안하다 미안하다 (호동왕자 테마) – 견우

05 . 살께 (자명회상 테마) – HANYI

06 . 꿈에라도 오세요 (라희 테마) – 김보라

07 . 모르고 모르죠 (왕홀테마) – 오지영

08 . 自鳴(자명) – 작.편곡 이필호 박종미

09 . 將軍(장군) – 작.편곡 우상문

10 . 好童(호동) – 작.편곡 이필호 박종미

11 . 자명의 회상 – 작.편곡 박연

12 . 羅姬(라희) – 작.편곡 이필호 박종미

13 . 새벽달 – 작.편곡 박연

14 . 愛心(애심) – 작.편곡 우상문

15 . 悲戀(비련) – 작.편곡 이필호 박종미

16 . 장막을 헤치고 – 작.편곡 마르코

17 . 모진인연 – 작.편곡 이건영

18 . 보륵아 날아라 – 작.편곡 박연

19 . 春夢(춘몽) – 작.편곡 마르코

20 . 평화로운 정경 – 작.편곡 최진경


The soundtrack starts off with a short beautiful traditional Korean song and moved smoothly into “By Myself” sung by none other than SNSD’s Tiffany. It was a very gripping track that demonstrated her great voice. Next up was Baek Ji Young’s song “ 사랑이 죄인가요” and with her splendid vocals, the sad song was strikingly heart wrenching. “미안하다 미안하다” by Kyun Woo was another ballad type of song very well displaying his pleasant and strong singing. The song sung by Hanyi was a mix of touching and melancholic beats to combine with her distinctive vocals. Finally, the last two songs sung by Kim Bo Ra and Oh Ji Young were quite average songs, however, each of the two strongly showed off the wonderful string instruments and their powerful vocals. The rest of the album were instrumental pieces that clearly illustrated the beautiful historical drama that Ja Myung Go is. There are the intense and sturdy tracks along with the depressing and tragic songs. The album was one that I felt was well thought out and was perfect for the drama, with the songs beautifully executed.

Rating: 3/5

5/5 – Even if you’re not a fan of this artist/group this album is a must buy.
4/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you must buy this album.
3/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you might want to add this one to your collection.
2/5 – I don’t think a fan would even buy this.
1/5 – You might as well just flush your money down the toilet.

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