Hyori New Album's Title Song Likely To Have Used Non Korean Composers
Coming back with her 4th album within two months, it has been revealed that there is high possibility that sexy queen Lee Hyori’s
comeback title song may have been created by foreign composers.
A representative revealed recently, “It is likely that we will use a
foreign song for Lee Hyori’s new album title song. The songs written by
the composers who worked with Lee Hyori for the album are said to be
not what Hyori is looking for, hence it seems that it has been decided
that a foreign song with a new style will be chosen as the title song.”
It has been known recently that the popular composers for the Kpop
industry are not included in working of the album, it is reasoned that
specific composers are suited for singers with specific styles. The rep
said, “Lee Hyori will be using songs from new composers or foreign
songs for the album. It is the case that many popular composers are
making songs specificially for certain singers, singing songs from
these composers will only make fans think of the usual singers who
receive songs from them.”