Album Review: Shin Seung Hoon - Love O'Clock

Shin Seung Hoon – Love o’ Clock
Released: 2009.11.12

01. 그랬으면 좋겠어
02. 지금, 사랑할 시간
03. 사랑치
04. 이별할 때 버려야 할 것들
05. 온도


    Shin Seung Hoon’s album started off beautifully with the first track. It’s a slow to mid-tempo ballad that releases a captivating and dreamy feel. It ends beautifully to advance into another ballad with rhythmic beats. Striding away from the soft ballads that have been incorporated in the album, the ” ” is an upbeat track that just screams at you. The different feeling of the song made the song stick out from the rest and it was indeed a favorite off the album. I love how the tracks captivated a sense of dreaminess. The calmness of the songs make them a perfect sensation that lures you into the mood. The album was able to capture what it wanted: the feeling of love, its ups and downs and the soothing voice of Shin Seung Hoon himself.


5/5 – Even if you’re not a fan of this artist/group this album is a must buy.
4/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you must buy this album.
3/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you might want to add this one to your collection.
2/5 – I don’t think a fan would even buy this.
1/5 – You might as well just flush your money down the toilet.

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