Album Review: T-ara Vol. 1 - Breaking Heart (Repackaged Edition)

T-ara Vol. 1 – Breaking Heart (Repackaged Edition)
Released: 2010.03.10

01. 너 때문에 미쳐 (타이틀곡)
02. 내가 너무 아파
03. One&One
04. 처음처럼
05. Bo Peep Bo Peep
06. Tic Tic Toc
07. Bye Bye
08. Apple is A
09. Falling U
10. 너너너
11. 거짓말(Dance ver)
12. T.T.L(Time to Love)
13. 거짓말(Slow ver)
14. TTL Listen.2
15. 좋은사람
16. 놀아볼래?


    Successfully capturing the hearts of many when they first debuted, T-ara returns this year with a sexy concept for their first album. The album starts off with their title track, “Crazy Because of You”, a tempting and beaty song. The song progresses onto “내가 너무 아파”, another beaty track that quite nicely showed part of their vocals. ” 처음처럼 ” is one of the few tracks that I prefer off the album. Though I didn’t enjoy the rap solo and recurring rhythm, the chorus was fairly nice. Quite honestly, I only sparked an interest to listen to 처음처럼 & TTL when solo singer Navi covered them. Not surprisingly, the album contains more upbeat tracks like Bo Peep Bo Peep, Tic Tic Toc, Bye Bye, and Apple is A.
    When listening to “Falling U” my heart did a little flip because there was finally a somewhat ballad type of song, the type of song that I see suits them well. I had expected another one of the trendy songs, however, the song, along with track 15, “좋은사람 ” is very lovely and showcases the vocals beautifully. “너너너” is a somewhat interesting track. Although it still contained the strong beats, it had a smooth rap that garnered my interest. The rest of the album included two versions of their debut track “Lies”, “T.T.L.” (sung with Cho Shin Sung), “T.T.L. 2” and “놀아볼래?”.
    To sum up this album, I wasn’t overly impressed, even sadder when the last track was like the many other tracks. The album surely does have somewhat addictive and catchy songs but there was just too many tracks that sounded too similar. Those songs were overshadowed by background noise and a certain flow that makes them sound repetitive and dull.

Rating: 3/5

5/5 – Even if you’re not a fan of this artist/group this album is a must buy.
4/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you must buy this album.
3/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you might want to add this one to your collection.
2/5 – I don’t think a fan would even buy this.
1/5 – You might as well just flush your money down the toilet

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