Lee Jia Added To IRIS Spinoff Athena

Lee Jia
has been cast as the other female lead in
the IRIS spinoff Athena, alongside the
previously cast Jung Woo-sung, Cha Seung-won, and Su
. (And… meh.) Well, you can’t win ‘em all?

She’ll play a character named Han Jae-hee, who is a special agent in
the European office of the National Anti-Terror Service. She is
physically tough and level-headed, who will contrast (somewhat) with Su
Ae’s cool and calm double agent character.

Honestly, I can’t quite put a finger on why I can’t get fired up
about Lee Jia. I’ve tried to like her in all her previous projects — she
was pretty good in her debut, Legend, though a little less
compelling in Beethoven Virus and downright shrill in Style.
I just can’t connect with her and don’t really feel any sincerity from
her acting, which prevents me from sympathizing with her characters. And
to think, until now I was all excited about Athena. Though I
like the men better in Athena than IRIS (as a whole), I
think the women are about equivalent. I might even give the edge to IRIS
for Kim So-yeon.

Athena will begin shooting in June.

Via Star

Dramabeans Article Link

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