Hey New Yorkers! Want Soompi to Send You to Meet the Wonder Girls?
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GOOM Radio (the first Internet radio station to play the Wonder Girls’ breakout single, “Nobody”) and Soompi are collaborating together to give you the chance to speak to The Wonder Girls! The girls will be coming to the GOOM studio this Thursday for an interview, and will answer any questions from their fans. This will be a live show, so be sure to tune in to GOOM Radio on Thursday, May 13th between 7-9 PM EST to listen in and to have your questions answered.
To get your questions answered, please phone in at (201) 332-5980 or Skype by calling “ZangRadio”. There will be many people trying to call in, but you could be one of the lucky ones that will go through! And for those of you who cannot call in, please post a question here! The interviewer, Zach Sang of Zang Radio, wants to know if any Soompiers have any good questions they want to ask the Wonder Girls. So post a question here and we’ll be sure to give you credit!
Also, one Soompier in New York will have the opportunity to visit the GOOM studio to meet the Wonder Girls in person! If you are interested, please email contest@goomradio.com to explain why you deserve to meet the Wonder Girls. Please include the subject heading “Why I’m the best Soompier to meet the Wonder Girls” and make sure your email is sent by Wednesday, May 12, at 5PM EST. The wonderful staff at GOOM will read your emails and pick one Soompier to visit the studio on Thursday night. (The Soompier can bring a friend as well!)