Korea Can Still Win the World Cup

UPDATE (11:16pm PST) The poll for the first annual MTV World Cup of Rock is now closed, with South Korea leading Germany 52.74% to 47.26%.  The winner will be officially announced tomorrow, but the votes say it all!  Just a little while ago, Korea was a full 10 points behind Germany, but K-Pop fans (and especially Rain’s fan club, The Cloud) have propelled Rain and South Korea to victory in the final hour!

From MTV.com http://newsroom.mtv.com/2010/07/09/world-cup-of-rock-germany-south-korea/

The South Korean soccer team did not make it to the finals of this year’s FIFA World Cup, but the nation of Korea can still win the MTV World Cup of Rock!  For this competition, MTV chose the world’s 16 “most rockingest” countries and pitted them against one another in tournament style match-ups.  Korea, with Rain as their pop star representative has advanced to the Finals, even beating out the United States! Now, they face Germany and Tokio Hotel, currently leading Korea by 10 percentage points.  But we all know how powerful K-Pop fans can be when time is running out..so it’s not over yet!

Voting ends at 11:59PM TONIGHT and the winner will be announced tomorrow so vote as much as you can to put Rain and South Korea on top! http://newsroom.mtv.com/2010/07/09/world-cup-of-rock-germany-south-korea/

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