The YG Building
Deep down inside, every YG fan who stands and wait for their stars outside the YG building has the urge to smash open the doors witness the magic that happens inside. To save you guys from charges of vandalism and the pain of smashing a door open (ouch), here are some behind-the-scene pictures of the YG offices! It’s a pretty trendy place to work isn’t it?
Bonus! A pic from choreograher Keone Madrid in the studio with Teddy. Check out those huge audio monitors!
Also, the YG dance room. (Cr: movementlifestyle)
Cr:ncly, loveshatori@soompi; bigbanghaven@blogspot; 比酷帮 @ baidu; 佐小仙, letsplay2ne1@wordpress; koreantopnews; movementlifestyle@tumblr