Responses to Korean Celebrity Donations

As the Korean celebrities that lead Hallyu donate funds to the Japanese relief effort, many Japanese people are expressing their appreciation and how they are being moved. Because of these efforts, certain Japanese news sources are showing their thanks to the Korean donations. Also, various online communities are also expressing their thanks and their positive opinions about Korea. Some netizens are saying “Korean celebrities are doing something that Japanese celebrities can’t do easily,” “After Japan recovers I wish to go to Korea and express my thanks.”

Of course, on the flipside certain Japanese netizens are saying that “The Korean donations are just a front,” “The donations are merely an effort to dilute the issue of Dokdo.” (The controversy surrounding the island Dokdo and whether it belongs to Korea or Japan)

Even some Korean netizens expressed their criticism, “Donating is always good but we should focus on those individuals harmed through the attack on Yeunpyendo islands and the recent Foot and Mouth diseases.” Also about the amount of donations, “This isn’t a contest about who donates more money, somebody needs to draw the line.”

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