More Info on Lee Ji Ah's Past
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Click here to read the article about Seo Taiji and Lee Ji Ah
After the controversy surrounding the divorce between Seo Taiji and Lee Ji Ah, netizens and Korean news sources are hunting down information surrounding Lee Ji Ah.
A picture that people are assuming to be of Lee Ji Ah in elementary school surfaced on the internet. Supposedly, when Lee Ji Ah was in elementary/middle school she used the name Kim Sang Eun. If the information is accurate, she went to Joong Dae elementary school and Ga Won middle school. Both of these schools are located in the Song Pa area of Seoul.
Lee Ji Ah didn’t graduate from middle school and went straight to the U.S therefore, the picture is assumed to be her elementary school graduation picture. Lee Ji Ah went to the U.S in 1993.
On April 22nd a person within Key East told Star News, “Lee Ji Ah was actually born in 1978 and her real name is Kim Sang Eun.”
In the year 2000, “A Magazine” (Currently the magazine is not publishing anymore) had an article on September 14th, which covered a press conference for Seo Taiji’s comeback. The writer who wrote the article talked about a rumor going on about Seo Taiji and his “girl.” “When Seo Taiji was in LA at his aunt’s house there was a high school girl, who had short hair and looked innocent.” The mystery girl and Seo Taiji went out for three years. Key East on the 21st also announced, “In 1997 Seo Taiji and Lee Ji Ah had a private wedding ceremony (The two were the only ones at the wedding). Kooki news is reporting that all of the dates match up with Lee Ji Ah.
Also somewhat unrelated, one netizen described how Ji Ah is almost Taiji spelled backwards, “IJIA.”
Source: Star News, SPN, Kooki News