Live Fan Chat With Brian Joo

Fly To The Sky’s Brian Joo is giving fans a chance to talk to him before he makes his journey to the western world. The Korean American celebrity is wrapping up promotions on his current single “Loved But Now Its Over” this weekend in Korea to gear up for concerts and appearances in his other motherland ….the USA. On June 11th, the singer plans to conduct an online chat with fans before his schedule gets too hectic.

Below is one of his recent tweets:

Brian: “tomorrow is my Fan Chat Session at 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. … can’t wait to chat”

Do you want to chat with him? Check out some of the details regarding the chat below from his official website:

“Dear Fans,

Brian want to chat with fans before he goes to the state. Date &Time June 11, 2011 Sat…… English Channel 20:30-21:30 Chat using a different channel will be conducted one hour and chat address announcements on the day 20 minutes before it will start.(Korean Channel 18:40, English Channel 20:10) And anybody can join that online chat room without language.Only the members of Brian’s official site can join in this chat. So please join the Brian’s official site……”

Are you ready to talk to Brian one-on-thousands?  Well, you will be sharing him with his fellow fans across the world. Read all the details about how you can join his site and be apart of all the fun here

Who knows, maybe his puppy Beckham will show up too!

Credits: @brianjoomuzik and


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