FT Island's Lee Hongki Reveals a Beastly Personality!

The dorky and innocent side of FT Island‘s vocalist Lee Hongki have been dropped as he revealed a completely unexpected photo during training!

The photo has surprised many as he posted it on his twitter, stating: ‘It’s been a long time since I had a thorough exercise session.’

His previous image has been temporarily shattered as he wears a grey singlet as well as a beanie. His ‘eye catching’ and charismatic stance has also left an impression on fans that he is indeed a manly boy. Lately, he has been exercising to maintain his sexy image and to make a lasting impression on his fans.

Netizens who viewed his photo commented with: ‘Now that it is summer, you are now a beastly man.’ ‘Your eyes have definitely changed in sexiness!’ The fact that you had just finished exercising is so sexy.’

FT Island are currently promoting their latest album, Return as their title track Hello Hello have swept charts.

source: nate + leehongki’s twitter

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