T-ara Released Their Roly Poly Teaser Three Days Ahead of Schedule

Despite a scheduled release for June 27th, the teaser for T-ara’s “Roly Poly” was released three days early.

T-ara’s agency stated, “The teaser was due to unveil Monday, but at the request of fans, we decided to release it three days ahead of schedule.”

The video features disco dancing, an upbeat tune and colorful outfits. The “Roly poly” video also features the outfit that Hyomin designed for herself for their comeback. While the song is not traditional disco, it incorporated the 80’s style with more modern elements, which is expected to appeal to a wider audience.

With their comeback only days away, “Roly Poly” will be featured on their upcoming album, “John Travolta Wannabe.”  The full music video will be released July 1st.

Source: Nate News

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