GP Basic Tease "Jelly Pop" Comeback

GP Basic have always been a hot topic within the Kpop industry, being one of the groups that have incredibly young members. But despite these debates, their music has always been addictive and they have built up quite the fan base. A fan base that will be excited with the news that they plan to drop their new single “Jelly Pop” on July 7th!

I am not sure what “Jelly Pop” means, or why they have a random Batman style “ka-pow” in the video and lyrics but from what I hear, they will be releasing another addictive song. I also like the fact that their new concept involves them all being blonde, it actually takes a little attention from their age, which is a problem for some. The awesome breakdown with guitar allows for the group to inject some attitude, it reminded me of when I first saw f(x). What do you think?

Check out the two teasers below.

I don’t know how all of you feel about it, but I have had the long teaser on repeat and I can’t help but get roped in by it’s addictive hooks. Let’s hope they will make their comeback with strength.

Source: AsianDream2013 and Oumae25 on Youtube

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