NichKhun Spills Secrets and Tweets in Thai for You
The beasts of 2PM are making the JYP Nation proud. They have a hit new single that is just beginning its grand sweep of the weekly music show charts, and Hottests are stuck with their “Hands Up” out of pure admiration of the band. So, what is the band doing in return for them? Besides our Soompi contest, Nichkhun is spilling secrets and mastering his language tweets just for you!
Read a couple of his messages via twitter below:
“A Band Of Brothers (from another mother). = b”
His tweet to Uttsada: “the fans requested tweeting in Thai so I practiced! Hahah =]”
If you were given the chance, which “real” secret would you want Nichkhun to tell you about his band? In addition to Thai, is there any language you would love to see him tweet in?
Credit: @Khunnie0624