7-Eleven Launches Special DBSK and SNSD Campaign in Japan

DBSK’s upcoming Japanese single “Superstar” will be released on July 20th; meanwhile, their label mate SNSD’s Japanese debut album “Girls’ Generation” has sold over 700,000 copies. With both receiving much love in Japan, the convenience store 7-11 is launching a special campaign called “7-11 Fair DBSK/SNSD”  and will have a total of 50 DBSK/SNSD items available in any 7-11 starting July 7th.


The campaign will last from July 7th to July 31st, with items such as Korean lunch boxes, rice ball, clear files and mug bottles with the idols’ images. Members from both groups actually tried several food items and gave out their opinion during developing process. According to the press release, collaborating with two groups together at once to hold such an event is the first time ever.

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 The CM filmed by each group will be aired from July 7th to July 13th. Check out the BTS and the CM here!

Source: Barks + Wind1693@youtube

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