BEAST in Malaysia : A Fan Meeting to Remember

BEAST was recently in Malaysia for The First BEAST Fan Meeting Asia Tour on Stage 2011 which was held at the Surf Beach in Sunway Lagoon on Friday, July 1. The boys gave sweet memories for their fans here to remember.

The event was presented by MBI International, joint organizers with FlyerVision Entertainment and Star Planet. The fans gathered at the venue hours before the event started. This was the third time BEAST came to Malaysia.

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The doors opened at 7PM and the dry beach gradually filled up with fans. The show started at 8.30PM and the boys appeared on stage by singing Special and Soom. They looked handsome in their white outfits. Then they introduced themselves in Malay, saying things like “Nama saya YoSeob dari Beast” (My name is Yoseob from Beast). Even though they tried their best to say it correctly, it came out funny. They were encouraged by the fans cheering anyways.

They had a chat session with MC Owen Yap. Since they had already come here a few times, they were asked what Malay words they remembered. Everyone mentioned food names such as laksa, durian and satay. Then, it was a birthday surprise for Doo Joon. There was a cake and fans singing Happy Birthday to Doo Joon. His birthday wish was to have more fun with his fans on stage in the future and being able to have this Asia Tour was the best birthday wish ever.

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Next was a performance by Progression, the winner of a BEAST cover dance competition that was held previously. They danced to Shock while the boys watched it from the stage. Then, BEAST showed them how it’s done by performing Shock, followed by Beautiful. Although they were drenched in sweat due to the hot local weather, they managed to go all out, showing their dancing and singing skills. Fans also sang along and chanted together to give them support and encouragement.

Then there was another break where they had a short Q & A session. Yo Seob was asked by a fan what  superhero he would want to be. He answered that he wants to be Iron Man, so that he can fly to Malaysia from Korea to meet fans. Another question was, if BEAST had the chance to do things together with their fans, what would they want to do. They answered that they would want to have a 1N2D trip with fans in Korea. There was also a request by a guy that wanted them to sing Happy Birthday to his girlfriend. They obliged and sang it to the birthday girl with the whole audience.

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Later, they bowled with six lucky fans. They had been paired up and needed to do a mission before they could go bowling. This made the other fans scream with jealousy everytime skinship happened between the fans and the boys. But they also cheered them when they bowled. Everyone got prizes presented by the members.

As the last performance, they sang two songs from their new album, Rainy Days and Fiction. Before they left the stage, they thanked the 4000 fans that came for the fanmeeting and hoped that they could come again for a full concert.

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Even after BEAST left the stage, the fans still sat in their seats and chanted for an encore. The boys came back again, changed into T-shirts, and performed a medley of their songs Oasis, I Like You the Most and V.I.U.

They ended the show with a Hi-Touch session with fans. BEAST will be back again in Malaysia for MTV World Stage on July 24.

Special thanks to Star Planet for inviting Soompi to cover the showcase. For updates of their future events, please follow them on Facebook.

For more pictures, please visit our gallery B2ST in Malaysia!

Photos by kasha_oscara

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