News of Lee Hyori’s Next Album and Acting?

Many are interested in whether Lee Hyori will be making a comeback or not.

Currently Lee Hyori has not released a new album since her 4th album released last year’s April. Lee Hyori’s agency stated, “Currently we are planning on releasing a new album within this year, we are currently accepting songs to put on the album. If something occurs that we can’t have an album this year, we have other plans for Lee Hyori to appear on variety shows.”

Last year, Lee Hyori abruptly ended her performances and promotion activities for her 4th album because of plagiarism. Many of the songs in her album were revealed to have been plagiarized and currently her agency is engaged in litigation with the producer. Currently, Lee Hyori and her agency are being more careful with the next album.

When Lee Hyori was asked about acting a representative stated, “Lee Hyori is not a professional actress so a drama that requires quick and more intensive acting would be difficult, however we would like her to be a part of the movie if there is a director that could train her to be a better actress.” Lee Hyori was a part of a drama in 2005 titled, “Three Leaf Clover.”

In terms of music, Lee Hyori released a song for abandoned animals in April and July. All of the profits were donated for shelters etc.

Source: TV Report

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