JYJ Yoochun Almost Kisses High School Student in New TV Commercial
JYJ’s Yoochun almost kissed a high school student in his second TV commercial for Korean ice tea brand, “TiO.”
In the 30-second video released today, Yoochun plays the trainee teacher role again. He accidently bumps into one of his female students on the bus, and as the bus starts shaking, the two almost fall and tangle up with each other. But just when the girl is about to hit the ground, Yoochun saves the girl and somehow the two end up creating a very intimate situation. The student, however, quickly places the bottle of “TiO” in front of her mouth, preventing the two from locking lips.
Today’s video is the second part of Dongsuh Food Corp.’s “TiO” ice tea commercial. In the first series produced in April, Yoochun created an equally amusing scene starring as an inexperienced trainee teacher at a girl’s high school.
Enjoy both CFs below!