BoA as a Judge for SBS's "Survival Audition K-Pop Star"

BoA received positive criticism for her first go as an audition program judge. She was an American LA judge for SBS’s “Survival Audition K-Pop Star” that will be broadcast in December. BoA gave warm advice while talking about her own personal experiences for the 1:1 judging.

When BoA saw a male participant who played the guitar, she gave a special smile that had everyone buzzing.

K-Pop Star’s production team stated, “BoA set the tone with her ‘smooth charisma.’ Although she is younger than JYP and Yang Hyun Suk, everyone forgot about that during the audition program filming. She has prospect as an audition program judge because of her plentiful musical knowledge and experience.”

K-Pop Star held preliminary auditions in Seoul on October 1-2. The second round of the audition will be held at the same place from October 8-9.

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