F.T. Island's Lee Hong Ki Reveals His Toned Figure

On October 9, F.T. Island‘s Lee Hong Ki released a photo of himself along with the caption, “Who can this be?” through twitter.

It is quite difficult to recognize the person in the photo due to the hat that’s covering the person’s face, but
it has been revealed that the person is Lee Hong Ki. Wearing a black wifebeater and acid wash jeans, Lee Hong Ki looks like he has been working out frequently to tone his muscles.

This photo surprised a lot of the fans since Lee Hong Ki is well-known for his cute and comical side.

People who saw this photo posted comments such as, “Who is this?” “Is this really Lee Hong Ki?” “You really look like a man now, but personally I prefer the teen image,” “You must be working out so much. This is really surprising since you’ve always been the cute and playful person,” and “You look sexy.”

Currently, Lee Hong Ki and his fellow members of F.T. Island are busy promoting their new song, “Like the Birds.”

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