Lee Hyori Seattle Bound To Meet Jane Goodall

Lee Hyori has left for Seattle, Washington to meet Jane Goodall.

On October 11, Lee Hyori revealed on her Twitter that she was leaving for Seattle for meet Jane Goodall for an interview.

She posted, “Hello everyone, I’m going to Seattle right now. I have an opportunity to interview Jane Goodall, the mother of the earth and animals. I’m so grateful to have this chance to meet someone that I respect and only read about in books. It’ll be a short trip of two nights and three days. I will try to have a good trip and learn a lot through this experience.”

Jane Goodall is a world-renowned British anthropologist and ethologist. Jane Goodall is most famous for studying chimpanzees for 45 years. In order to research about chimpanzees and other wild animals, Lee Hyori will be visiting Jane Goodall’s research facilities.  

People have commented by saying, “Lee Hyori is definitely an animal enthusiast,” “I hope you will have a good interview,” “I can’t believe you’re meeting Jane Goodall- what an honor,” and so on.

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