SNSD Announces "The Boys" Worldwide Cover Contest

With less than a day away from SNSD‘s awaited comeback, SMTOWN has started a worldwide contest for all those amazing SONEs out there. The contest for “The Boys” has three categories: “Remix Contest”, “Vocal Contest” and “Dance Contest”. For each category, there will be picked three winners for first and second place so there will be six winners per category. The contest will run from October 20 until November 3.

What you have to do is to upload your video on YouTube with the name of the category you are entering into and then the name of your video. Then, send your personal information and link of your video to and that’s it!. You’ll be participating to win one of those amazing prizes and also, the winners will get their video featured on three YouTube channels of SMTOWN, Audition Channel and SNSD’s Channel.

Also, don’t forget to download the a capella version for “The Boys” if you are going to participate in the “Remix Contest.”

Are you guys excited for this comeback? So are we! so check out the contest rules below, make sure to participate and to stay tuned to soompi for more updates!

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